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My first OC on ultra-d

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I had my setup now for a mond, and i thought it was time to OC so here's the result

CPU at 240x11 so 2640Mhz

ram runs at 1T

TCL 2.5





CPU :1.42v

DRAM :2.7v

temp are fine i gues

CPU:35degC idle and around 47C° load


NF4 Chipset:40degC and 50 load

I tryed to get higher too 250x11, windows booted and runned fine but when i did some prime95 windows hung and i needed to restart.

Could it be that i need more volts on cpu

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Try this:

270x10 1t

tcl 2.5

trcd 4

trp 4

tras 10

trc auto

cpu 1.375

special 123%

ram 2.7v

I am know running at 270x10 and a busspeed of 270x4 = 1080

tlc 2.5

trcd 3

trp 3

tras 6

trc 9

every think is running fine at the moment but still needs some testing

I haven't upped the voltage

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