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Ultra-D SATA problem

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sorry - no time to fill in the sig - I'll do that ASAP.

I've got a problem with my samsung spinpoint sata 80gb. It's connected to the mobo and the BIOS detects it, as well as the nvRAID, but any OS I boot into (Mandrake 10 install, XP install, Win98 floppy) says I have no disk in the computer. I tried making a RAID with it, I could do it but it did not help, the nVraid at startup (after creating the RAID and reboot) says it's cannot invoke the ROM or somtheing (too fast to read). I tried enabling and disabling S.M.A.R.T. and giving it a wait time for the disk (10 secs), but still it isn't happening no way.


board is UT Ultra-D, bios is the stock one (I don't know where to read the version yet), PSU is Tagan 480W (single rail, 24p)... any ideas?


Thanks in advance for you feedback. Is the disk faulty or am I screwing sth up?

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There is no way to check the BIOS version as far as I can tell, it doesn't show up anywhere. The latest version from DFI is 3.10, date 2005/03/10. You can get it from here -> http://www.lanparty.com.tw/Support/Downloa..._FLAG=A&SITE=US


When I bought my board the retailer told me the first hting to do was to flash the latest BIOS.


As for your disk, I had a problem with getting mine to install properly to a Barracuda 160G SATA. I'd managed to get some NTFS partitions on it from when I also had an IDE drive connected (windows would only load onto the IDE). The problem turned out to be that I was using WinXP vanilla (i.e. no service packs) and the install process didn't liek the SATA disk. Astral Abyss told me about nLite which allowed me to merge the SP2 into my install disk (you have to burn another one of course) and that solved the problem. It didn't like the previously created partitions, but once they were gone, XP installed properly (and now boots fine from the SATA).


Your problem is slightly different but your software may be down rev. And I would flahs that BIOS asap.


Hope this helps.



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you have put a FAT on the HDD right? (file allocation table)

No... how was I supposed to when my disk isn't detected? I can't format it from start diskette since it ain't got a drive letter...


I'll flash that BIOS and if that does not help maybe I'll try switching the disk to other SATA ports on the board... Is it possible that the Win98 start diskette doesn't detect SATA drives? And the WinXP installer too? (no SP2) It's terminating just at the start of the installation saying it can't make a swap file.


Feedback still much appreciated.

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