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New Infinity will not boot (help!)

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I crippled my Asus A7N8X-X a while ago, so it was time to move to upgrade to the NF2 Ultra Infinity. Board arrived last night, and I went to work. It is resting on mobo standoffs on the DFI box right now, since it's too much work to put it in my case for initial testing while my watercooling stuff is in the way.


I have my unlocked XP2500+ non-mobile and stock cooler installed. With no ram in a slot, I get the expected long beep. With no video card installed (PCI or one of my several spare AGP cards), there is no beep. With a video card installed, nothing is displayed on the screen. The AGP cards are getting power to their fans. No IDE/SATA devices are connected right now. No other cards. The only things plugged into the board are a stick of ram, a video card, CPU and stock cooler, and my PS/2 keyboard.


When I jump the power switch pins, the cpu fan starts up as normal and the VDIMM LED lights up. The main power LED is on like it should be, unless the switch on the PSU is turned off.


Components so far:

Xp2500+ and stock cooler

OCZ PC3200 EL Rev2 TCCD (1x512 for now)

video card: (one of)

- ATI Rage XL PCI (works)

- MX400 AGP (unknown brand, but works)

MS keyboard

Enermax EG495P-VE ATX V2.0 power supply


The Enermax is fresh out of the box, so I will plug my Zalman/Fortron 400W psu into the board to eliminate that variable.


To sum up:

RAM error beep happens as expected

no video card error beep at all

nothing is outputted from any video card


I've re-seated the CPU once after initial install. Anything I'm missing, or do I have a DOA board? I can toss in a stick of Kingston value ram to test too.


Thanks in advance! If you guys need more info, please ask.

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Well definitely hook up the other power supply like you said to eliminate that and try the kingston ram as well. I have the Infinity and enermax same as you and have had no problems. This board has worked with OCZ, Kingston and Corsair. Sorry I don't have more to offer other than "mine works fine"....


Good luck. Hope you figure something out and don't have to return it.....

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Hmmm possibly a DOA, but i'd test that Processor and Ram first. Can you try another processor or test it in another board? I've had those exact same symptoms with a bad CPU and with bad Ram. Just a thought, but there isn't a chance you crippled your CPU and/or Ram when you crippled your board is there?


Also try resetting the Cmos, removing the battery, and leave it clearing overnight if needs be...


Try this too... Remove the J8(FSB) Jumper and then power on your system, power down again and replace it.


Make sure there is nothing that could possibly be shorting the board underneath...

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Nothing is touching the bottom of the board, I made sure to check that when I was trying to get it to work.


My Asus was still working after it got crippled. After installing a 2nd hard drive to the primary channel, it would do nothing after POST for 2 minutes then it would go into Windows normally. Everything else was working after an XP reformat (XP install got corrupted during the speed-run that crippled the board). Zero stability issues with the CPU and RAM, it would just take longer to boot. Everything was set up correctly, and a bunch of people on the [H]ardForums confirmed. I would have been just fine living with the 2 minute boot-delay, but I wanted another excuse to get this DFI. ;)


The only new and untested components are the Enermax PSU and this DFI board. Everything else is known working components.


I tried clearing the CMOS, but I only had the battery out for a few minutes, not overnight. I'll try that tonight, as well as the J8 trick and swapping to a known working PSU.


Thanks for the quick responses guys. Hopefully I won't have to RMA the board.

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Ok, I put my PC2700 Kingston valueram stick (Samsung TCB3) into the board, and it works. :D


So the next question is, which BIOS revisions work with TCCD? The BIOS that the board came with is the latest official 11/24/2004, and it clearly has issues with TCCD.

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Great news!!! :) I'm running OCZ EL PC4800 on my infinity at the moment...running memtest right now at 250FSB X10, mem 1:1 just to try and rule out my memory as an issue...The official 6/19 bios and Hellfires 6/19 Rev 3 Turbo bios seem to be pretty popular (running hellfires at the moment)...I would suggest the official to start off with and get her up and running...


Glad to hear yer board aint dead............

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Ok, I put my PC2700 Kingston valueram stick (Samsung TCB3) into the board, and it works. :D


So the next question is, which BIOS revisions work with TCCD? The BIOS that the board came with is the latest official 11/24/2004, and it clearly has issues with TCCD.

Experimentation is the best way, and see what you find is best for you. Thats if you have a Bios Saviour that is...

2 official ones i like personally are the 6/19 and the 7/28 which are very good for mobile CPU's(probably non-mobiles too).

I'm currently using Hellfires Rev3 modded bios for my Infinity, theres a LanParty B version too. If your using 2x 512mb sticks Hellfires Rev2 would probably be better if you want to try out the modded bios'. But if you don't have a Bios Saviour or a spare Bios chip then you maybe better sticking with the officials...


Btw, make a sig with all you stuff listed then it will make it easier for ppl when they can see exactly what you've got :)

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Flashed to the official 6/19 using Diamond Flash Image. Easiest I've ever used. I could never get XP to create a proper floppy to use for flashing BIOS before for my Asus.


I got 1 stick of TCCD in there, and it got into the setup no problem. I'm not sure if I'll need to do an XP repair install or not, gonna try booting normally now.


I'll get my sig going asap. :)


I've read about the BIOS Saviour on here, and am seriously looking into getting one. Now that I know my board is ok, I can go ahead and order one. Looks like only Paragon and FrozenCPU are the only ones left in the States that have them. I'm in Canada, hate UPS for cross-border stuff, and have had good service through USPS. Has anyone dealt with Paragon or FrozenCPU and have any advice? I'm leaning towards Paragon, and might get the IOSS IDE cable too.

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Are you intending to try and keep your current Win XP you already have installed? XP don't like moving from one system to another...ExRoadie had a method for keeping things intact and I thought it was a sticky. Just did a quick look and can't find it...I personally would suggest a fresh install unless you have some critical data your trying to keep....


Did a quick search........here ya go................



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I added my sig, hopefully it shows up...


I know that XP has to at least get a repair install when moved to a new platform, but I wasn't sure if moving from one NF2 to another NF2 would be a problem. I'll try booting and see what happens, chances are it'll run like crap if it does happen to boot.


Reformatting is no problem. I did it a few times recently trying to diagnose my Asus, so all the install files and stuff are sitting on another partition of my boot drive. ;)

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Well here I am, typing on my new working DFI setup. ;)


Booted without doing an XP repair install, which is nice. Everything seems to work.....so far. I'll remove the NF2 drivers and start fresh with those, and see how it goes.


Feels great to finally be running the board I've drooled over for almost a year. :P


Thanks for the help guys. Greatly appreciated. :cool:

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