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NF4 Ultra-d Memory Recommendation

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I am going to be trying a new 24 pin power source and a pair of new memery sticks to get this computer to work. I was able to get it to go for 2 hours once withought problems but otherwise i had the same errors as most other people with the NF4 U-D. Durring a game (a game only) it would shut the game down or restart the computer itself. Here is what i am going to try:






will tell how they work in 4-5 days but i have heard good things about both so i will see.

Looks like a good choise for both memory and power supply.Iam using corsair memory myselfe but 3500 BH-5,and a OCZ powerstream power suppply.I just got the power supply this week and its a winner in my book.Good Luck.

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I just received my replacement Corsair TWINX1024-3200XL modules and I'm still get errors in dual channel mode within a few minutes of looping test 8. I'm testing each 512mb module by itself just incase, but that would be really odd to get a defective part on supposedly "pre-tested and paired" modules. Almost sounds to me like DFI has some issues that need to be addressed concerning the corsair XMS series since others are having similiar issues.


edit: typos typos typos :)

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I'm using the 3/10 bios right now. According to the Ram Guy from corsair, all 3200XL modules are made with TCCD. I have revision v1.2 of the 3200XL.


Also, is there any difference really between the memtest v1.51 bundled with the bios and the latest 3.2 memtest release? i've been using 1.51 for all the testing so far.


Thanks for the input guys, don't know what i'd do without ya :)

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hmm sounds like i still have a bit of work ahead of me, and then some when i try to overclock it all heh. Well can't work on anything till the parts come in heh. I just saw the post on the beta 3/31 bios up. that might help some but its a beta so who knows?

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I'm using the 3/10 bios right now. According to the Ram Guy from corsair, all 3200XL modules are made with TCCD. I have revision v1.2 of the 3200XL.


Also, is there any difference really between the memtest v1.51 bundled with the bios and the latest 3.2 memtest release? i've been using 1.51 for all the testing so far.


Thanks for the input guys, don't know what i'd do without ya :)


BTW, that's a different memtest than what I was mentioning over @ HoH:


http://www.memtest86.com/ - Memtest86 - Latest version: 3.2


http://www.memtest.org/ - Memtest86+ - Latest version: 1.55

Based on the well-known original memtest86 written by Chris Brady, memtest86+ is a port by some members of the x86-secret team. Our goal is to provide an up-to-date and completly reliable version of this software tool aimed at memory failures detection.


Dunno what the differences are between Memtest86 and Memtest86+ though.

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