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nF4 - Question about bios setup

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Hey guys -


so, I've checked ed's guide here :




Ok, all good, I get to step 16 but ...


isn't this thread from Rgone for those with ram problems?


Am I not hearing this clearly?


Don't jump on me (unless of course, you're single, female and gorgeous) as this is my first solo build, and I am totally digging the problem-solving in the experience, but is this a good 1st bios, considering she boots with dual sticks, gfx, hdd, fdd, optical, and other power connections.


Except that I am moving up to OCZ 520W Powerstream asap, but now running crap stock 350W 20 pin :(


Link to stock bios?


Or just go with loading optimised defaults, and then on to loading OS from there?

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I am using the initial release BIOS and I am happy with it.


Load optimised defaults or change all the option yourself, I would customise it.


One area of interest for me in the Genie BIOS settings.

Lots of memory timings can be found there and they do improve your PC's performance.



I found that the hypertransport will not run at 1000Mhz unless you specify your CPUs ratio.

your ratio is x10.

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I am using the initial release BIOS and I am happy with it.


Load optimised defaults or change all the option yourself, I would customise it.


One area of interest for me in the Genie BIOS settings.

Lots of memory timings can be found there and they do improve your PC's performance.



I found that the hypertransport will not run at 1000Mhz unless you specify your CPUs ratio.

your ratio is x10.


I will eventually overclock this pc, when I am confident in my knowledge, but today I just want to complete the build stock.


Thanks heaps for the info re my cpu's ratio setup, waycool.


I am still wondering if RGone and Angry Games are recommending using the "optimal" settings that are point no.16 in ed's "NF4 Ultra-D Step by Step New Build" sticky.


That is the way I read it, and a reply from either of you guys would be excellent.


BTW, I have found this forum an excellent info source in my journey and I totally appreciate DFI deeming their customers important enough to warrant employing you boys for the job.


And the community of voices to give breadth of experiences, to those on the payroll :cool:

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OK, so I can see this thread




too, that recommends same optimised settings I just mentioned above, so if I haven't heard not to go there by the morning (it's 1.30am here), then I will go with this guide, as it is being recommended by DFI boys to other users, like here




'nite dudes

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@ Vegetarianator. Man you are welcome to setup your computer 'anyway' you so please it is after all your computer.


Ed, myself or AG or anyone can put up a guide or "help" and that is all it is; just a help. I know of many such on the net. Ocforums has one. Exteme systems has one. Fact thinking back I think OcForums has two or more done by various users. And all they are is a help or maybe only so far as a thought provoker or stop and think tool that points a way but certainly not "the" way or surely not the only way.


In puterdom now there are so many DD's that are reading net reviews and such and think to leave their DD setups that when they see a real bios for the first time they are just blasted. No clue. Depression sets in. Despair is provoked and many users around and about have tried to address such in part and yet even that is no hedge against good solid studying and becoming proficient for ones onself. So much so that often I think that guides are a hurtful rather than helpful thing.


Can I compare my bios settings to your bios settings? OH my gawd what about my temps? All that crap you see asked that should be answered for ones onself. You think when most of us get these boards, that someone has given us a guide to set them up? Hale NO they have not. We get deep, down and dirty and do the legwork ourselves.


Computers and the assembleage thereof is a learned and studied and researched thing. You use skills and knowledge gained from the doing. Hours and hours of doing in fact.


You see any guide that I have listed of bios settings and you are looking at a minimum of 30 hours of trying, testing and tweaking to get the settings and then some more time the amount of which, I really don't care to know to see how broadbased I feel the settings are. Going back and setting up things like noob dude would and changing to the newer settings and seeing what happens in what appears to be the average case.


Then Mr Ed Jocabsen chronicles his setup with many of us stopping, starting and modifying each small basic step in which he setup his computer and then he takes the time to go back and compile it and add educational links and all at the cost of his time and efforts and everyone wants to pin him to the wall as to whether his is 'the only' way. No sir it is not. You all have paid your monies for your rigs and are free to do with them just as you please. Cut every corner during purchase of components. Slap it together anyway one pleases. Load windows with dorked or poorly performing memory or windows halts during install and keys are pressed to proceed with installation with no regard to the outcome. All those are the benefits of personal ownership and with such comes the privilege to proceed as one wishes. Feel absolutely without constraint to follow any guide. Everyman for himself and to himself. We all paid our monies and we can do with the setup as we please. So please understand you are under zero compunction to follow any guide. Setup as you please sir and good luck to you.


Take Note User: you are not under any compelling force to use any guide herein. You are all, each and everyone the proud owners of your new rigs and set them up as you will. They are your prized possessions and not ours.


Have fun, learn, play and experiment because you have paid your currency to do thusly.


RGone... :confused: as usual.

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RGone, I am not in any way seeking to blame another individual for any negative result that may occur from my CHOICE to use yours, or any other's, settings.


Maybe I should change my username to EL N00B0, or some such, because I have only been tinkering for a short while, and am loving it.


I was hoping to give you guys the feedback that to a n00b, that sticky sounds contradictory.


It talks about those who are experiencing ram probs MIGHT find solution in these settings (a great thing to help your fellow man), but that it seems that it is being recommended as a good working bios in many threads, and I was just seeking clarification, from my n00bile perspective.


I give you feedback from this perspective because, as Angry identifies, you guys are being paid to help.


And as you are no longer n00bs, you cannot see how things read to a n00b, but rather, as you read that thread you might feel it is clear, and I would definitely agree with you.


To a NON-N00B it is probably very clear.


So, my thought....


Employ a n00b to guide you in your stickies, at least until that n00b has learnt enough to move out of n00bhood, and then find another, and so on....




I will apply for that job first, as I am the obvious.


I hope the pay is good, i still gotta get my watercooling components, hehe

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I will apply for that job first, as I am the obvious.


I hope the pay is good, i still gotta get my watercooling components, hehe


pay menial. bosses slave drivers. clients border on well? humh? who in hale knows?


Don't know bout noobskis but Ed was one when he wrote the user help he posted and has helped many many. I have posted about 3 bios settings that are for various memories and various speeds. The one you hardly see is one for the Ballistix stuff as it stays to the rear since few use that stuff.


Bios 3/10 official helped many with causual value type rams and the rest all fall somewhere in between I suppose.


I guess the other thing about this A64 cpus that many don't have a clue of is that the mini cpus with less than a 10 multiplier really handicap any real preformance speed. These A64s want good mhz and fair memory speed but the faster you can run them the better they perform. Enter small multplier cpus and you got problems because the memory has to run so fast OR you 'can' run a divider and that is alright until they pile in here and say OH MY GAWD that is killing your performance. Well it hurts it some but you throw the benches in the garbage and use the puter for putering and you will never know the difference.


I can give you a real world for instance of one who needed to throw the benches in the garbage. Bud on east coast been worrying about his NF2 Ultra Infinity for 7 months. Wanted it to run as fast as mine. I told him to set the dang thing to give 2300mhz and get on with life. He did get HalfLife2 and played that son of a gun for 6 hours straight WITHOUT a single problem. How? Hehehehe. He set the thing to 2200mhz and rokked all night. Got them deeyam benches out of his head and had some fun.


The point of all of that is really to give a general sort of maybe guideline to them that should be almost DD and the rest can glance and boogie on. None is set in concrete and the fun as you said is in the doing. So much of this stuff is written at a time just to get folks some clues to get going. Not text book literature and in most cases; well for me anyway> I am long gone from the last thing I wrote up. Never going back to it. Fact it feels to me like I wrote it a year ago and knowing full well it was just a push in the right direction.


I am testing beta bioses. Waiting on SLI cards. Waiting on the next big thing that has to be set up and tested for and not looking back at all.


Fact you want to write up a how to install guide that is what 'feels' more correct? Man have at it. Take parts and pieces out of anything you see around here. Step it off like you please. Give a little credit to the forerunners and post er up man and rokkout. None of us care. If it is good I will copy links to it for my use in tech support emails like I do with Ed's fine work. It ain't no deal to me or any likely.


Have a goodun and have sum fun.


RGone... :confused: as usual.

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