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NFII Ultra B freezes at windows loading screen\startup

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Help Please!!!


Finally got all the parts I needed, tested cooling for leaks, and began Windows XP install. Problem was first noticed when Windows finished its inital loading of files and went to restart to finish the 37 minute installation. Computer froze and had to be shut down completely, waited a few minutes, and then restart from SATA RAID (2 X 200GB = 400GB RAID 0) at which point it continued loading windows.


Then every time I click restart it freezes at the windows splash screen where the blue bars are going across the screen while it loads. The bars on screan keep moving, but the LED activity lights on 4000Pro RAM stop moving.


SATA's are plugged into the first and third spots, and I didn't know how they should be since the manual doesn't say much about what works better for the RAID ZERO. RAM are in slots 1 and 3 as well, again having no info in book on whats best for dual channel operation.


Please help, anyone. Ihave been buying part by part for over a year, and now I can't even enjoy the rewards. Thank you in advance to anyone who knows how to fix it.

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Go here and download this beta bios for that 200FSB defaulted 3200+ cpu and flash...


Load optimized defaults before and after flashing and you will likely have to adjust the multiplier and the FSB manually after flash to run the stock 3200+ speeds.


This is an exe that will extract to a bootable floppy just let it boot up to the floppy and follow on screeen prompts to flash.



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I did just as you said, and it rebooted perfectly, the first few times. About the time I got all excited, it began again.


Each time I get the "load windows in safe mode" screen. Is it possable the through all the crashes that windows is corrupted now?


Sometimes even on the desktop, the mouse will suddenly freeze up.


CPUZ shows the new bios as dated 11-24-2004, and that the cpu speeds are set correctly as well.


It does seem to run better, but the problem still remains.


Any other suggestions are greatly appreciated

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This is my first time running a 400mhz FSB mother board, and I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but my south chip seems to be very warm.


Is that normal, and could it be related to my restarting problems?


Oh, and does the SATA chip run through the south chip, since I'm running 2 drives in raid?

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I have had some similar problems with my setup too...been running at stock settings for about 2 days now and have had lock ups at the "green bar" for no apparent reason also...hee hee, when you figure it out let me know...like I said before, my 2500+ comes in tomorrow!! YES!!

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I changed settings to 180 FSB, and it booted every time. Then I tried 10 X 220, and have not had a problem. Currently I am running at 10 X 225 and benching 3dmark2003 (score 10,500).


I'm not sure that it is a sata raid issue, but I have allready made arrangements to borrow a parallel ata 40gb spare drive from my good buddy at www.beerorkid.com , check out his site, there's always something funny there.


Sorry, didn't mean to change the subject, just giving up the free propoganda to the homie.


Anyhow, I will try that, as I have allready tried using some old pc2100 ram and underclocking cpu, and it worked just fine. Either I don't have the first clue on settings in bios, or mayby the damn board should work when you load optimized defaults.


either way, I'm not picky, I just want it to run stable, and god knows get a little clock out of it, after buying all that danger den cooling!


someone right a new bios or something, or mayby i should just RMA. Only had board for 4 days or so. Bummer.:(


p.s. Is south chip supposed to be so warm?

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South bridge does get warm when running raid. I ligthly glued a 3/486 cpu cooler on mine with ceramique heat sink compound and it lowered the temps considerably. I was trying to check out a problem that in the end turned out to be the Maxtor 80gig Sata drives I was using and swapped to Hitachi 80gig drives and the problem went away, but I did not remove the small cooler on the south bridge.



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Tried my buddies corsair xms 3200, and still had the booting problems.


Then removed the sata drives and installed XP on a 40 gb maxtor ata and the problems persisted.


During install, the computer froze up frequently, forcing the one finger salute (reset button). Sometimes it couldn't even make it through the boot from cd portion. Leads me to beleive I'm back to bios or CPU compatibililty.


One thing I always notice during windows bootup screan, is that the led lights on ram, in dual channel, only show activity on one side of each stick, and sometimes the sticks are working independently, like they're not even in dual channel.


Also they either continue flashing and bootup is succesful, or they stop lighting and no bootup.


Should I Just RMA?


Any ideas, all welcome?

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So if it seems more stable with ram timings set to 3-4-4-10, than is this a ram issue or the motherboard?


It still crashes every once in a while, and I have issues with the ability to connect to the internet from another computer running through this ones dual lan.


Help please?

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