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Stability problems

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Does memtest find any errors with your memory? I would be more concerned about your cpu temps then power supply voltages, they look to be within 5% to me. Do you have good air flow through your case, both in and out? It is very strange that you cant get stable running stock speeds. I would look at the memory or even the cpu, remove them and try re-seating them both. Try running with side cover off the case for a while and see if this helps. 55c is pretty hot for only 3 minutes into prime.


I hope you get this problem resolved soon.

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No memory problem, I've run memtest86+ a few hours(~10h, almost 50 passes), no errors.

Im actually in no case at all. It's all on the floor. I've also had some other strange things going on. At first, when I seated my stock heatsink, the mb got so bent I screamed. I tried to mount it the other way but same result. So I screw loose the yellow thing, and then it bent just a little. This may not be a perfect solution but I didn't have any options. But the temps are: 35 idle ~50 load, not so bad it can crash because of that? Also I've had bsod:s at idle many times. For now the windows got currupted and I can't seem to repair it. Gotta go but I'll update again when I get to school...


Edit: Another problem I have is that I can't boot with my cd-rw drive but with the dvd-drive it works fine.

Edit 2: Ok, now it seems like it does actually work to boot with. Strange, it worked in windows but not to boot with... Well now it does.

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Ok, I guess have nothing to loose, so I'll try my luck with ep-8kda3j, I havent tried it yet and I was hoping that I wouldnt either after all I've heard. But really, I can't do any worse anyway :(


Edit: forgot to say that I can't get the floppy to work.

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lo Elix, yes it is, the mem seems to be fine, never seen any memory related problem. But somehow, I just can't get it run at stock speed. I'm testing my 8kda3j now and it seems to be ok, I havent even installed windows though... And yes it's vdimm modded (the epox that is).


Edit: I've got it up 'n running with the epox, done 30-45min with prime95 so far without errors. I'll wait atlest until an hour bfore I make any conclusions...

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Ok, the epox was priming for more than 4hours, than it froze, so I wen't into bios after a couple of minutes looking around, and I see the cpu temp @50 degrees idle. I check back after 10 minutes and its still @50. I didnt clean the cpu or the heatsink when reinstalling, thats must be what causes the temp, and if its 50 idle it could be so high on heavy load it froze becaouse of that. Anyway it's still a lot better with 4h than 4min, and the psu seems to work well.

I'm gonna reinstall the dfi lp 250 and can only hope that it will mysteriously work this time...

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I didnt clean the cpu or the heatsink when reinstalling, thats must be what causes the temp, and if its 50 idle it could be so high on heavy load it froze becaouse of that.


Dude, you are starting to scare me. What exactly do you mean by not cleaning it? I did recommend that you look at the temps in an earlier post, you posted that you were getting 52c within 4 minutes of prime. I personally think that is "way" to high for stock settings. Now you post that the cpu temp was running at 50c at IDLE, and god only knows what it was up to under load. Be very careful with temps, remember that the memory controller is located on the cpu die, you heat the cpu and everything will suffer because of it. Always clean both cpu and heat sink prior to "every" install and ensure the thermal compound is being properly applied and I would check for proper contact as well.

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ah heh.. so any luck with the dfi board?


that CPU seemed to have a slight more warm then the other 3 i had, i keept that one cuz it OCed best.. did u get recipt btw? in worst case do a RMA on the board? also i never used Boxed fans on this one only my hyper6. even ran it passive @ 1.8ghz hehe..


also it was S-PI stable @ 2650 w/ 1.75 core.

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Hehe I wrote a 10 row explenation and I copy it and manage to copy something else and poof :)

I'll cut to the chase. It is currently @200x10 and htt 200x3!!! no prime errors for an hour! YAY! The htt aint bothering me cuz I now its not a performance boost, and can probably raise it to 4x but I dont want to risk anything right now :)

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