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[RESOLVED]NEW BIOS CHIP>> So man leds no post no nothing flashin

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so yea..... my nf2 hates me, has never given me the easy way since day one.... i now have the 4 led's of death, and since they started my caps led's on my thermaltake ps2 keyboard will flash every second consecutively...



how did i do this u ask... changed my fsb upto 220+/- and changed apg clk. rebooted and got nothing from there on out... tried clearing cmos, regular way w/ jumper, power/reset switch internally, pulling batt/psu repeatedly, with no luck.. i've pulled everything, no luck. bought some ddr400 today no luck still, swapped vid card no luck. vid card works fine in other computer.


also tried a stick of pc 2100, tried setting fsb to 100... still nothing...


what's the sense in selling cmos reloaded as a big bonus when it doesn't even work...


hence tried pressing keys 1,2,insert,deleate, pause...... in many combo's still no luck whatsoever.




bios savior.... hmph... that's what this cmos reloaded is suppose to be for.. what a scam... sorry but i'm pieved... and i've never had these probs before. to bad i can't hotflash off a 440bx chipset w/ award bios...

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Originally posted by Majin Vegita

what's the sense in selling cmos reloaded as a big bonus when it doesn't even work...


bios savior.... hmph... that's what this cmos reloaded is suppose to be for.. what a scam... sorry but i'm pieved... and i've never had these probs before. to bad i can't hotflash off a 440bx chipset w/ award bios...


Your bios is prolly corrupt.. and if you really new what cmos reloaded was ..you would know its nothing at ALL like a bios savior.. :rolleyes:


Anyway.. It sounds like you need to either.. hotflash.. or get a new preflashed chip..



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kinda the same idea, "way to come back from currupt bios". so yea i'm gonna get myself a savior now.... :-P shouldn't have to buy something because of dfi's poor planning. granted the savior is hardware and while the cmos reloaded is software on hardware... but youknow what i mean... it just plain doesn't work how it's suppose to....

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Cmos reloaded is NOT what you think it is..


Its NOT a extra bios chip..


Its NOT a backup if your bios gets corrupt..


Its basically a way to have a preset of all your settings so you can switch between different configs without going through the whole process of setting all the settings individually every time...


Here read this to get to know more about cmos reloaded..


Personally I never used it anyways on my UI..




Oh and btw... getting a bios savior is not gona help you now if you cant boot from your current chip.. your gona need a way to hotflash the bad chip or buy a preflashed bios chip.. then you can get a savior to prevent this from happening again..


But first you need a good bios chip that you will be able to boot with and flash the savior when you get one..

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Majin Vegita,


same thing happend to me.. 4 LED's and couldn't do anything to turn it around. I ended up sending in my bios chip to be reflashed by DFI. I'm still waiting to get it back so i'm hoping that will solve my problem. You'll probably want to private message Angry_Games, he'll give you the info on sending your bios chip back to DFI to be reflashed.


Good Luck!

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Originally posted by THunDA

Cmos reloaded is NOT what you think it is..


Its NOT a extra bios chip..


Its NOT a backup if your bios gets corrupt..


Here read this to get to know more about cmos reloaded..




But first you need a good bios chip that you will be able to boot with and flash the savior when you get one..


i understand that it isnt a copy of your bios.... ect... i completely understand what it's for but it says that it's suppose to be to easily swap from oc'd back and forth when you find a error in your upclock....


but it is basicly suppose to bring u back from a no post situation.... and u know it's never worked right for me. supposidly hitting deleate/insert/pause is suppose to clear cmos or help w/ post but no dice there... i'm just expressing my distaste for thinking i was jumping on a bike w/ a seat i guess....




i also understand that i will need to have my bios reflashed w/ a non currupt bin. no problems here, just kicking myself for not being prepaired.


as i said i'm gonna take the necissary precautions so that this doesn't happen again next time... just wish this thing would work right for once....



what's the going rate to buy a flashed bios chip.... i would like to have a backup of a backup if possible... otherwise i'm just gonna send mine out and have it flashed....


thanks for the help. sorry for . anyone off, just frusterated...

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Hey np..


Sorry if I came off like you p'd me off..lol.. you didnt really..


But Cmos Reloaded is just like a preset that holds your bios settings.. like say you wana run 200*10 for internet browsing..and 250*10 for gaming.. you can make one preset named "slow" and one named "superduperfast" , then just load the preset to load those settings instead of changing each setting individually each time.. I dont think it says anywhere that it will recover you from a corrupted bios..


What I would suggest for ya.. Is to get a preflashed bios chip and a savior.. This way you can get the savior flashed with the new preflashed chip and then you could flash that corrupted chip in the savior and use that as a extra backup..


If you dont have the cash for both then just get a preflashed chip and once you get it up and running you can hotlfash the corrupted chip .. then keep one as a backup..


You can get a preflashed chip @ badflash.com

And I picked up my savior from.. highspeedpc.com



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i'll definately check out both those sites. i was looking at frozencpu.com for the bios savior.. it's a ioss... i'm gonna order that tonight, but check your sites out first.


thanks for your help. i'll be sure to post my progress as it goes along... any further info would be greatly appreciated.

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ioss is who makes the bios savior..


I actually just looked on the highspeedpc site and cant find it on there.. maybe they arent carrying them anymore.. but ive seen quite a few recommend badflash for preflashed chips so they should be good for that..




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  • 2 weeks later...

think i found my problem today,


well i'm still waiting for my new bios chip. (usps messed up). since i had nothing better to do while my bh6toaster was acting up, i decided to install my new sata hdd, and pull my old bios chip and install my savior.



well this whole time i've been having this problem, and when i was trying to find out what bios type and core i had. i noticed this silver spot that was unlike the rest around the bios chip between the chip and the socket. looked like a dab of thermal silver (never really looked at a bios chip before so didn't really think much of it).


pulling the chip went smooth with ioss's included puller, but since i had never done this before (hence thinking it's thermal compound), next time i'll do it horizontally.


flip the chip over to find, 2 bent pins on my chip :mad: i never touched the bios or the socket before so i'm guessing it's been like that for a month :eek: not cool at all. wish my new bios would get here so i can order this new ram or not...


sorry folks wish i took some pics, i tried to bend the bios chips pins back but i don't think it will work still, i'll take some pics when i get a chance of the chip though and post them...



just a idea, if u think it's thermal grease check again it's prolly not.


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