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Which Bios should I be using? (using 8/27)

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I know this question has been asked many times, but... I am still running 8/27 Bios. I have not had any problems with it so far at stock settings. My temps in Smart Guardian and Speedfan are 34C (CPU) at idle and 45C while priming. System temp is 27C and rock stable. I want to start overclocking but I am unsure about the bios. Everyone seems to say to change to 9/14 or later for overclocking- is this necessary if I am not having any abnormal temps/readings? I read somewhere in here that RGone and AG are saying not to flash the bios if you are not experiencing problems. However others are saying that the OEM bios is unstable if overclocked. What say ye?

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others are saying that the OEM bios is unstable if overclocked.

Whomever "others" are; they can be full of bull shett too. I probably read nearly ever post about the UT250gb across 3 or 4 sites and I have not seen anyone reputable that said the 8/27 was unstable when overclocked.


Hale man flash a bios if you want to do so. Mess up a good thing maybe. Have at it as it can be a learning experience.



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