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I Can´t install Windows XP

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I Have one board ( DFI P2XBL Rev. B/C ), and i can´t install the windows XP. I think is limitation of the board or the bios. I´ve flashed the bios ( now i have the version P2xblbj ), but nothing. Is there a problem of drivers for this OLD board? Is there someone out there to help me??? Please...!!!


Thank you , very,very,very much !!!!

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please check the rules and the Important Info threads stuck to the top of other sections, paying close attention to the second post in thh 'critical' threads (about system specs in your sig).


this helps us tremendously to help you solve your issue if we can see what is in your system every time you post.


Be as thorough as possible please. Voltages, timings, settings, bios version. The more information you give us about the problem, and the more details about your hardware in your sig = more help we can give you.

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  • 4 weeks later...

To add somthing...

Xp works on my mom's k62 350, so you should have no troubles in that respect.

I was thinking that you might have audio driver probs, but that probably is'nt the case, only win2k3 they took out old audio drivers from.


You may have probs find driver for old modems, but hey you know.


Anyways you should have np installing any board or cpu for xp, unless it's a cyrix m2.

Something else is causing your probs, so post your specs so people may help you ;).

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  • 1 month later...

Yeah what are the list of components in your PC, memory is the first restriction for installing XP, you need 256MB at least but i would definatley recomend 512Mb, and is your hard drive formatted and it needs to be 5GB or more i think, to allow XP to spread its feet so to speak.

and a decent CPU would be a good idea. if it helps just leave your CPU,HDD and Memory and try installing then, take all add in cards out and wait until the install is complete before putting them back in one at a time. on one of my old PC's the modem stopped working because it wasnt compatable with XP


NEO is right XP will install in 99/100 systems without any problems

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