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[RESOLVED]BAD SATA CABLES>> System reboots?!


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Help needed, DFI guru's!


After some initial problems with the DFI NF3, I thought I had my rig stable. NOT!


When I let my PC run Hot CPU Tester Pro, CPU Burn-In and Mem Burn-In at the same time, the system reboots itself. Sometimes after 20 minutes, sometimes after a couple of hours. Thought it was nothing serious, but it seems that it reboots itself even if I let my PC on to download stuff overnight.


My CPU is Prime95 stable for 30 hours, my memory MemTest stable for 30 hours. Temps are okay, judging from my Exos and Coolermaster Musketeer.


Any suggestions?


Thx in advance!

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not enough vcore?


not enough vdimm?


not enough chipset voltage?


not enough agp voltage?


bad drivers?


some other weird thing that you might have forgot to mention?



gonna move this to overclocking since you got it overclocked...does it do this at stock speeds? does it do it at slight overclock? or only at the overclock in your sig?

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Sorry, forgot to mention it.


Temps of my waterblock is 26C idle, 31C under load. Case temps 26C.

Tried upping vcore to 1.55, didn't work. Vdimm is 2.8 default. Won't it fail Prime95 and MemTest when CPU or Mem are causing probs?

Tried upping chipset and AGP voltage too, didn't work either.


Using newest NForce drivers (4.17?! Something like that.).


Weird thing :

When it reboots, it sometimes hang on bootup, it detects that RAID array, tho.


BTW, it hangs on non-overclock too...

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anything over 240FSB = you must use SATA3/4 if you are using SATA drives


newest NV drivers are 5.10




try bringing your Ballistix back to 2.5-3-3-8 (or 10)


I'm running Ballistix 4000 2x512 right now also just like you are.


put some voltage to them ballistix thingies if you overclockin...minimum 2.9v

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I'm already running my SATA on 3/4, as stated in my sig. And I'm already running NV drivers 5.10, MY BAD!!


Sorry, made a mistake in my sig. Ballistix are doing 2.5-3-4-10. Changed that. Sorry again. Ballistix won't do 2.5-3-3-10, tried that. Bringing it back to default (2.5-4-4-xx), it still reboots.


Tried vdimm up to 3.0, didn't make a difference.

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Looks pretty much like mine, I just don't run a divider on my RAM. (Why do u do it, anywayz?) The RAM is rated at PC4000, RMA'd one that couldn't already.


Funny tho, CPU-Z (and other progs) sometimes shows lower voltages than the bios setting (1.5V). Could it be my powersupply? I would think Antec TrueBlue 480W is enough, rite?

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You need to look under administrative tools and the event viewer and see what is showing as errors. It should be giving an error of some sort you can use for troubleshooting.





PS: you are probably right the true blue 480 is really not enough to push that board and likely Vcore should really be 1.5 + the 104% as straight up 1.5 when overclocked is 'not' enough for most of those cpus and the very evidence of it may be those odd reboots. You are going to have to do some diagnosing to see what is up.

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Alrity... Thx a lot, guys. I'll check the event viewer, as soon as it reboots again. I had a crazy feeling it had something to do with my HDD. Went out and bought 2 SATA cables, Hot CPU Tester Burn-In running for 2 hours now. See what it'll do the next couple of hours!!


Question about the PSU:

I know u guys really like the Fortron 520W, I see u use it too RGone. However, those things are really hard to get here (in Holland, that is). U reckon the OCZ Powerstream or Modstream is better than my Antec TrueBlue?


PS: LOVE this site. Appreciate the help. Thx!

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U reckon the OCZ Powerstream

H*ll yes I reckon. Nothing wrong with those power supplies that a little lessened price would not hurt for my poor bones. Be careful you see I quoted the adjustable one.




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Yep for the monies you cannot really beat the Fortron or the Sparkle ones.


What can you get over there? Antec is just fading out in my mind. And to really tweak an overclocking board you really need to be able to 'adjust' the rails. Also now a good idea to get a 24 pin supply for future proofing and it adjustable as well.


Actually there are way more instances of shetty power supplies creating havoc and unknown symptoms than is funny. You read as many posts and emails as I do and see the users respond back that they did in fact get a good power supply and many times their stuff just started to work. Imagine that?




PS: 5 year warranty on the OcZ stuff and that is about as good as it gets. Well if a warranty means anything to you.

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