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I was looking in my BIOS in the AGP section and I came across CPU Thermal-Throttling as 50%. I disabled it. Please tell me what this is and if I need to re-enable it. With it off, I see no difference in performance or temperatures. Another thing I was going to ask. I read something about my 8/27 BIOS having a temperature reading problem, is this true? I know my CPU was showing 38C on that BIOS and now i'm on Jesse's 10/15 and my CPU shows at 28C-29C. Which temperature is accurate? Is it 28C-29C? Please help me on these 2 issues. Thank you in advance.



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Rather than make a whole new thread, I will just add here. I keep having constant trouble with IRQL_ blue screens referring to nv4_mini.sys and the such. There is nothing wrong with the card. This is a new leadtek and the other i had before was XFX. This card is doing the same thing that one did. The motherboard is brand new too. I disabled that CPU Thermal-Throttling because I heard it has conflicts with nVidia cards; that didnt help any. Please someone help me get rid of these BSODs. I have literally done just about everything. Everything is plugged in correctly. I am running Windows XP SP2. I disabled DEP too. Please someone, anyone. Please help me fix whatever the problem is so that I will not have to worry about these blue screens any longer.



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It could be a weak 12v rail on your PSU, but I doubt it.

It's probably a driver issue. What drivers are you running?

If you're running the ones off of the CD, get the latest ones from nVidia's site.

If you are running them already, I'd install an earlier version and see if the problem reoccurs. Don't forget to run the uninstall routine on the existing drivers before installing the new ones.

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I have tried about 10 diff driver versions. Some of them include 66.93 WHQL, 67.03, 71.20, 71.22, 66.98, 71.24, and many more. There is something seriously wrong here. Everything is brand new again except for the PSU and the CPU. I highly doubt the CPU is causing the graphics card problems. Maybe it's the PSU? I have no earthly idea. All I know is something is truly wrong, and I have no idea what to do to fix it. I do not want to RMA anything again because I know the parts arent defective. I went through same fiasco last batch, except now I do not have any booting issues. This blue screen trouble is really getting to me. Please help me, :-(. And I did do the uninstall routine and also used Driver Cleaner.



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I did copy the BSODs, well 3 of them. I googled them and got nothing.


3 of them that I copied down are.


STOP 0x000000D1 (0xF67E7FAE, 0x00000009, 0x00000000, 0xF67E7FAE)


STOP 0x000000D1 (0xFF63F0B0, 0x00000009, 0x00000000, 0xF64FD4A4)


STOP 0x000000D1 (0x0208B9C8, 0x00000009, 0x00000000, 0xEFACC28B)


I have also Gotten alot of DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL BSODs beginning with same 0x000000D1 and some IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL with the listed above and the such. The DRIVER_ ones are almost always referring to nv4_mini.sys. Yes I have used driver cleaner before installing new drivers. That has not helped the BSODs at all and I have tried many differente driver versions.



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Stop error messages are tough to diagnose and a lot has been written about it. It is doable but a fun task, no. Necessary? Yes.


This site is one I learned of and recommended to me many years ago for diagnosing Stop Error messages.

And this site for hardware compatibility evaluation will come up in the above link so here it is too.

Windows XP Catalog/compatiblity site.

Microsofts 'own' Overview of Stop Error messages and troubleshooting procedures.


As I said above the aumha.org site has been recommended to me for a number of years. They also have a section on pagefault errors. A good site when in trouble.



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I may be able to help with this one...


Are you by chance running ZoneAlarm? There is a known issue with some of the later updates with ZA which can cause some DirectX games, programs to give the BSOD with Nvidia cards. Some type of driver conflict. Everything works well with OpenGL, though.


I had the exact same issue myself, and it drove me crazy for weeks. I tried countless drivers, etc. I tried everything . I finally stumbled onto the solution of disabling ZA, and my problems went away.


Good Luck



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