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Bios Corruption on UT 250gb?

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I have a prob with my godsend board already . After a shutdown and trying to cold boot , i get no post . All Fans, Drives and lights are on , i decided to put my post card in all my voltages are equivalent . tried another psu , video card works which is now in this back up system . but what i found wierd is that when the system was cold booted the card didint show it cycling trough different tests. It was jus stuck at the code of FF which is usually the code meaning everthing is good. ? can i use jess1313's write up on the bios corruption from the NF2 boards ? i have a A7n8x i could use .

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Originally posted by LoN3R

can i use jess1313's write up on the bios corruption from the NF2 boards ? i have a A7n8x i could use .


For the hotflash .. YES that will work..


Ive hotflashed between my UT.. UI.. and my asus which I dont have anymore.. and it all worked fine..


Have you tried to disconnect everything from the mobo except the needed things to boot.. ?

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yes but i have not tried out of the case which is usually what i do , that is how this system is running now . b/c of it being a dtr i have no cooling for it other than my system mounted in my case

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Originally posted by LoN3R

yes but i have not tried out of the case which is usually what i do , that is how this system is running now . b/c of it being a dtr i have no cooling for it other than my system mounted in my case


Err.. I'm hoping I am misunderstanding that statement. Which HSF are you using on it?



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my a7n8x is not working for me it seems the chip in my non deluxe is too small and i will get a error of incorrect file size . i hit ok, and it deletes the block and programs , then i get an error at the verifiying stage which is the little error window of xp and the winflash will then crash . :mad: . guess im gonna have to go to badflash.com

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ok i goto load the new bios in AWDflash off of the floppy like u said thunda and when i goto flash the stock 9/14 bios in it says that there is a checksum error and that i can only flash for the nforce chipset . :mad:

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Originally posted by LoN3R

ok i goto load the new bios in AWDflash off of the floppy like u said thunda and when i goto flash the stock 9/14 bios in it says that there is a checksum error and that i can only flash for the nforce chipset . :mad:


Try to use these switches at the A: prompt.. where it says "biosfilename".. put the name of the bios you wana flash..


awdflash biosfilename.bin /tiny /f


Make sure you use a older awdflash version.. older than version 8.30.. If you use 8.30 or newer the /tiny switch will freeze the flash program..


It should work with that.. just be sure that after the hotflash in the asus you DO NOT reboot.. just power it down after the flash ..clear the cmos and put asus chip back in..

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ok well i got the floppy working so , i booted from a 98 se disk from a prompt opened awdflash and put the file name in (* b4 your post) and it said that the bios and it said that the part # does not match my system . at what point to i put the dfi chip in is that how i pass it or do i put it in right b4 the flash occours also , how can i figure out what version of awdflash i have ?

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This is what your gona do..


Make your bootable floppy in windows.. And put the UT bios file on it that your planning on flashing the corrupted chip with..


Now to get awdflash 8.24c your gona download the Infinity 11/27 bios from dfi street.. Yes I said Infinity.. Now delete the bin file that it extracted and delete the zip file you downloaded..


You should be left with awdflash.exe ( This is version 8.24).. Put that on the floppy too..


Power up your asus and go into bios.. Load defaults and make first boot device floppy ..also enable boot up floppy seek..

now reboot..


You should be at the A: prompt..


Carefully remove the bios chip from the asus.. and then install the corrupted UT one in the asus.. Go back to your keyboard.. :)


Now your gona flash with these switches..at the A: prompt type..


awdflash biosfile.bin /tiny /f /e


Now press enter..


It should flash and bring you right back to the A: prompt ..


Now hold your power switch to power down the system and remove the UT's chip you just flashed.. Put the asus chip back in and move the cmos jumper to clear on the asus and leave it like that..


Move your cmos jumper to clear on the UT now if it wasnt already..

Install the fresh flashed chip into the UT ..


Move the cmos jumper back to normal and put the power back on.


Now pray it boots...:P If it does go right into bios and load setup defaults.. reboot and then set your normal settings..



Whew !!..lol


Oh and dont forget to move that asus cmos jumper back to normal before you power it up..hehe


And be carefull taking the chips out..



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