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Speakers humming real bad Can't...Hear... AHHHH

Guest Joalaielna_merged

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Guest Joalaielna

I just moved to the lansing MI, area from The Jackson MI, area. And since i moved and hooked up my pc i have had very very bad humming coming from my speakers. They are crative t5400's. When i hook them up to my other rig nothing happens, the hum goes away. It seems the more audio cables pluged in to my pc the more hum. (orange, green, and black.) Also when i plug in one of the cable's half way i hear a radio station. This is weird to me. I tried googling it and found that some times the main power is picking up an AM station and needs to be filtered. But i just droped 50 on a monster power surge protecter for my home theatre. so i really don't want to spend more. Anyway any help would be appreaciated. (one more thing. When i touch the end of the speakers to the back plate i get alot of humming, i believe this is normal, but just wanted to make sure) Thanks, Joel

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First at all, it looks a bit OT to me :(


Second - the speaker system obviously picking up the huge noise from power line, so the imput lines are near powerline in wall - move them away/use shorter/better ones and problem go away ;)

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Originally posted by Joalaielna

Does the fact that it only happens in my DFI Rig and no other mean anything.

My guess is that it is the location of your DFI rig that makes the difference. It's possible that putting your other rig in the same spot.... plugged into the same outlet.... will cause the same problems. The best way to tell is to move it and see what happens.

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Guest Joalaielna

The thing is They are in the same room to begin with, and they are even on the same surge protector. So i don't know what else to try. Oh well just turn it up loud enough so i cant hear the humm. But wait when i turn the speakers up the hum turns up too. AAHHHH

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Guest Joalaielna

Thanks For the Advice, I'll give it a try. I did try each cable at a time. What seems to happen is that the more audio cables pluged in the more hum I get. But I'll deal for now. I might just wait until i move again. :) Thanks

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