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mobile support for LANParty NFII Ultra A?

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Are you talking about the Ultra Infinity board? You stick and A on there and LanParty when it ain't and am confused.


If you are specifically speaking of the DFI Ultra Infinity or the LanParty "B" series of boards then have at either on but know they are 'not' supported processors. May work and some do but you never know for sure.


Then get which ever of the 2500 or 2600 that you wish as they are all the same really and the arguements go on till h*ll freezes over and my 2400 mobile goes past 2700mhz; so go figure.




Once I clicked on reply and got back out where I could view your post fully again> I bet you have a LanParty "A" motherboard and I do NOT think the mobiles work on them well at all. I sure would wait and see if 'any' user can say for sure as most of us used the mobiles on the Ultra Infinity and the LanParty"B" boards and bios 6/19...That bios does not fit a LanParty"A" board.

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See there that is a reason to wait for the one's that use the board and k0n told it like it was. I suspected to put a 'warmod' in and he confirmed it.


But I haven't and likely won't run that board but he has and does and now you know from the "king". HEhehehehe. "of nothing". Hehehehe. Sorry k0n man just feeling funny now.




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Thanks for all the info. I've updated my .sig to try to eliminate confusion.


Unfortunately, I came across a good deal on a 17" LCD yesterday, so the cpu will have to wait. Unless I can buy it without the Beloved Spouse finding out.

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