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I'm about to build my new rig - Anything special I should know about?

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I will be building my new rig next weekend with the following:


DFI UT nF3 250

A64 3400+

OCZ 2x512mb Platinum Rev. 2


Turtle Beach Santa Cruz

Seagate 200gb SATA HD

Plextor 712A DVD/CD

Antec 430W True430


Windows XP Pro

Putting it all in a black Kingwin KT-424-WM


I have two main concerns:


1) What do I need to know about the BIOS for the mobo? Do I need to get an updated version, and if so, how? And at what point do I install the new BIOS? What's the procedure?


2) I built two rigs for friends last summer with Seagate hard drives and ran into a few snags because there were some drivers to load from a floppy. In those rigs I used MSI motherboards. I assume that using a DFI mobo is irrelevant with respect to whatever drivers I need to use for my Seagate hard drive?


If there are any "how to" links in these forums about building a new rig with the DFI UT, someone please point me in the right direction.


Thank you all in advance for your help. -OS

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That's going to be a nice rig for sure. As far as the bios goes, you'll have no problems getting everything set up with the factory bios. You can flash later to the 9/14 if your temperatur reading seem to be a bit high.


I had a Seagate set up as primary slave on my system temporarily (when my WD hd crapped out on me), and had no problems whatsoever with the bios or windows. Both recognized it easily.


Just be sure to follw the order for the windows install (search for previos threads about the topic), and be sure to use the 5.03 drivers from the mobo cd. I tried the 5.10s and ran into problems with my mic not working, but the 5.03s work great. Good Luck!



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hey.. just built my rig last week.. wed.. anyway... it is very similar to yours.. as you can see from my sig, and i also have your power supply.. theonly complaint i have aboutthe mobo is the audio.. tryin to get that fixed... but since you are using a different sound cart anyway... looks good.. no other problems with it.. good luck.. im sure you will love it


p.s. anyone have any ideas for my sound issues? i have a post describing the probs...

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Yep, NewEgg is where I bought my stuff also. I ordered a new case, motherboard, and processor. It arrived a day early in good condition. I've never had any problems with them, and it is hard to beat their prices. A 22 incher would be nice. I'm running a 19 Viewsonic now, which I've had for about 5 years with no complaints..but it would be nice to have a new one. :)



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If u plan on using the onboard LAN u need to copy down ur MAC (Nvidia) LAN ADDRESS.


Its a little sticker on side of your agp slot. The sticker on bottom nearest to rear of your case.


Input this number into your bios to utilize the GIGA lan.

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Originally posted by ZigZag

If u plan on using the onboard LAN u need to copy down ur MAC (Nvidia) LAN ADDRESS.


Its a little sticker on side of your agp slot. The sticker on bottom nearest to rear of your case.


Input this number into your bios to utilize the GIGA lan.


i diddn't do this and it works just fine, any benefits in doing it?

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Well, I couldn't resist after my last post yesterday.


Life's too short to spend a good chunk of change on new 'puter parts (especially a $400 vid card) and then play your games on a crusty old 19-inch CRT. So, I broke down and ordered a NEC/Mitsubishi FB2141SB-BK 22-inch Diamondtron CRT from Dell.


From everything I've read about this monitor, it is sweet as pie.

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