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Guest culinist_merged

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Oh how the stomach turns.


We're asked to quote some systems for a medical practice. We quoted Compaq boxes per their specifications but got beat by $22.00 per box. Oh well!


A couple of months go by and we get a call from Dell. We do most of the local support for the big boys. I walk into the office that requested the quote only to find 60 brand new Dell rigs sitting next to the old Terminals. For two weeks the software vendor had not been able to get the system up and running stable.


I had to install 60 brand new 3Com network cards in the Dell rigs since the onboard NIC didn't play nice with the 3Com switch their software vendor required. Each box took a half hour and I billed Dell $70.00 per hour plus travel time.


Two weeks later I had to go wipe the drives for dell and install Windows 2000 on every rig. Dell had sold the boxes with the promise that Windows XP would work or they would upgrade.


I figure the first call had eaten all of the Dell profit and the second call cost the salesman his job.


I ended up making more money off of the Dell fiasco than if I'd made the original sale. I have three more years of Dell support calls to look forward too.


I'm glad the got a DELL! mmwhahahah

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Guest culinist
So I start off on my next appointment which is Trinidad - which is 40+ miles from Fortuna.


Trinidad, one of my all time favorite places on this Earth. The cliffside trail from College Cove to Elkhorn Cove ( we called it, don't know if that's the name or not) was my daily workout. Great cardio, along with a massive adrenaline rush where the trail fell away and you had to free climb to regain it. Thought I was buyin the farm a few times there :angel:


Thanks for the flaskback Ace.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hey, what's going down, everyone? pass the cocktail peanuts.


Cleveland Ohio, motel living, and 7 days a week 12 hour shifts. dismantling a assembley line at a ford plant. Could be here till December. Luckily I have my new

rig with me :cool:



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Hey duuuude !!


Man im gona be hurting tomorrow..


I used to work out alot but just lost the drive for quite some time.. The other day I cleaned my basement thinking.. Man I need to get off my lazy a$$ and start working out again..


Well tonight was the first night and I think it actually got me motivated seeing how weak I am now..lol..


Even did the AB roller thingy ..;)

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Everytime I even think about working out, my cell phone or Vonage phone or pager goes off. The last time I worked-out was at least 8 months ago. I currently weigh 151lbs...used to weigh 181lbs, bench 250lbs, curl 80lbs and run 6 minute miles. Damn I feel old.

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Hey duuuude !!


Man im gona be hurting tomorrow..


I used to work out alot but just lost the drive for quite some time.. The other day I cleaned my basement thinking.. Man I need to get off my lazy a$$ and start working out again..


Well tonight was the first night and I think it actually got me motivated seeing how weak I am now..lol..


Even did the AB roller thingy ..;)


congrats. do it enough and it's addictive! start slow, and get back in the routine! way to go ThunDa!!!! it's all about the quality of life!

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Quality of life is very important.


The quality of the donuts, coffee, burgers, pie...


I agree with that! I gained 9lbs on our trip to Portland eating nothing but all the good things :). We are talking country fried steak, pancakes, and biscuits from Denny's and ice cream at least once a day. Now its back on the wagon :(.

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I agree with that! I gained 9lbs on our trip to Portland eating nothing but all the good things :). We are talking country fried steak, pancakes, and biscuits from Denny's and ice cream at least once a day. Now its back on the wagon :(.


I thought i saw that slider inch up abit. well, enjoy it, and feel no guilt! there's always tomorrow to try again! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

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