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Guest culinist_merged

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Don't people work on Mondays anymore? I don't work until later so usually I go to the grocery store and run my errands before work and there were tons of people every where I went today. Roar! Bartender, serve me up something to take the anger away.

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Guest culinist

What's your poison little lady?


I know what your talkin about momma. I live in sort of a retirement community and downtown is always full of the elderly, driving 15 mph below the speed limit. It's sometimes very frustrating.

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What's your poison little lady?


I know what your talkin about momma. I live in sort of a retirement community and downtown is always full of the elderly, driving 15 mph below the speed limit. It's sometimes very frustrating.


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What's your poison little lady?


I know what your talkin about momma. I live in sort of a retirement community and downtown is always full of the elderly, driving 15 mph below the speed limit. It's sometimes very frustrating.


Oh that's the worst! Darn old drivers. Is there a rule that once you hit the age of 60 that your foot no longer can push in the gas peddle to make the car go faster than 35mph?

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im IMPATIENTLY waiting for the fedex guy to deliver me a Samsung 915N LCD 19" 8ms monitor


Ex and I had a discussion on it...the 25ms version (912) has the DVI outs, but hte 915 only has the analog...but 8ms response...*sigh*


just cant have your cake and eat it too i suppose...



plus today im heading downtown to do some work for the hockey team, and pay for my season tix...^#@$!#@!@$

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The display with the DVI and Analog inputs is only $25.00 more at this moment. I almost pulled the trigger on the Analog version before I caught my mistake. Upon further reflection I decided to wait for AG to review it first. MWWAAAHHH

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Just got through bustin' me butt at work today. Main accounting/inventory/whatever program crashed last Thursday evening but they didn't catch it until Sunday when EOM was due. Now every transaction from each department has to be re-entered.


Now, I gots to get on the ball and get a quote out for a client of mine who wants a kick-butt system, on a budget. Hopefully he won't be too dissapointed when I have to tell him he can't have his 24" monitor in order to get the video card he wants.

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I travelled 20 miles to a client through a blinding torrential downpour. I'm on the cell with Hot Chick telling her about the numerous close lightning strikes only to get my car struck by lightning(no immediate problems, pitted the external antenna).


As I pull into their parking lot it's turned into a ragging river flowing right at me. Once I get into a parking space I notice that they have no power and all of the office lights are out. I sit for an hour but the storm never lets up. No power means I can't work on their system.


I drive south five miles and the sun is shinning since the storm was moving to the north.


I got home early today. lol

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I travelled 20 miles to a client through a blinding torrential downpour. I'm on the cell with Hot Chick telling her about the numerous close lightning strikes only to get my car struck by lightning(no immediate problems, pitted the external antenna).


As I pull into their parking lot it's turned into a ragging river flowing right at me. Once I get into a parking space I notice that they have no power and all of the office lights are out. I sit for an hour but the storm never lets up. No power means I can't work on their system.


I drive south five miles and the sun is shinning since the storm was moving to the north.


I got home early today. lol


I can totally relate with something similar (though not nature related, but still somewhat frustrating) on many a occasion. One particular series of events comes to mind immediately from 2 months ago...


I drove from Eureka to Fortuna (11.something miles) for a scheduled appointment. After 1 hour of waiting without any answer at the door or arrival of the occupants, I took off and left a message, via cellphone on their answering machine. So I start off on my next appointment which is Trinidad - which is 40+ miles from Fortuna. I get there, about an hour later (rush hour traffic through Eureka slowed me down) only to be informed they have solved their problems on their own but forgot to call me and let me know. Oops.


But, wait! It gets better.... While I am there, one of their friends calls and they want their computer worked on (not the original intent of them calling for me, mind you). So, I get directions to the place in Orick (another 20 miles) and travel out that way. Upon arriving in Orick, I find the streets are vacant of any discernable markings to tell me what they are. After arriving at the conclusion there was no hope in finding any designation as to where I am going, I call the previous stop.


They give me the current destinations phone number which I call 3 times before someone finally picks up the phone. After about 15 minutes of guidance, I finally arrive at their place. Their issues were with a game their son wanted to play - Doom 3 - on their Compaq Presario 5000 series computer. Now mind you, for it's time, the 5000 series was not a bad computer, but it definitely lacked the horsepower to run Doom 3, for which I explained to them the cold hard facts. In a respectfull, simple manner of course.


From my simple explanation they decided an upgrade to a 'more powerful machine' was in-order. Being as they had a 56K modem with a connection of 26,000Kb (3.8Kb realtime) I informed them I would send them a quote by the following day with what I would recommend for which I did. At that point, we said our goodbyes and I left for home.


Having not heard from them in over 2 weeks from their reception of the quote, I sent them an e-mail regarding said quote. The responded with 'We bought a Dell because we though your quote was too much money. But we are still having trouble running Doom 3. Can you help us?"


To make a long story short, I will be canniballising the Dell (even though it is still under warranty) to build them a DFI based system within the next week.


Need I say more??? LOL

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