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SOOOOOOO, unbelievably happy right now. My motherboards I RMAed are coming TODAY! I'm so sick of my dually rig right now it's not even funny. I hope to god they upgraded them or put some leet components on it so it runs 2x better. Though, I'm probably fantasizing on that one. Wh00t for RMA! Yeah sorry, has nothing to with anything you probably care about. Just imagine your main/gaming rig being down for weeks......

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Originally posted by obsolete

Just imagine your main/gaming rig being down for weeks......


I dont need to.. mine was down for 6 months once.. and I was stuck with a celeron 800 for that time, with integrated graphics...


Right after I get teased with getting to play with a geforce 4 ti4200!!!!! (Up from a TnT2!)


I know how ya feel :nod:

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Great news, man. A sweet feeling I am sure.


Oh, and DFI called and said the boards you are getting have been hand tweaked by you know who. They also have some 2X go-fasters and some l33t secret sheet on YOUR board so you get da OC's ya deserve. hehehe


Best o luck obsolete! Hopin' dey fly!:nod:

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Thanks guys. Plugged one of the boards I got back in last night & hooked it up. 4 leds of death. *sigh*


Yeah, I wish

Oh, and DFI called and said the boards you are getting have been hand tweaked by you know who. They also have some 2X go-fasters and some l33t secret sheet on YOUR board so you get da OC's ya deserve. hehehe
would happen.....

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