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Can anyone fix this error?

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sig appears ok n size. I was over at aOa and saw your post and the last person over there helping you told you wrong and you repeated that wrong here.


But before that is this:

I bought a PLCC extraction tool from RadioShack and Jack from badflash.com told me to clear the CMOS before I put in a new chip or it might corupt the Bios again. I've been trying to do this for a week with no luck.

If the bios was not corrupted you could SEE that the CMOS was cleared, but since the corrupted bios chip is in the computer > you cannot tell that the CMOS is in fact cleared.


Do I just add the new chip, throw my battery back in, and leave the CMOS jumper in the reset position, install the power cord and power up my system?

No you do not just throw the battery back in and leave the CMOS jumper in the reset position. That is the error in 'help' that was given you over at aOa. Probably not intentionaly but due to lack of chronicaling each step. PUT THE CLEAR CMOS JUMPER BACK TO THE RUN POSITION or for sure it will not start up. Whether you leave the J8 default jumper on for all other than 100FSB does not really matter to me as I never fool with that jumper at all. It must be on for sure to run the cpu's at full speed though.


Also is it possible to fry out or damage my MB or RAM by just playin with memory timmings if I left the FSB alone at 200MHz and just set the AGP to 66MHz and the memory at 1:1 ratio at default Voltage?

No one even imagines that you fried your ram or such just by playing with the memory timings at stock volts but the motherboards with NF2 chipsets do not like well the loose timings that the memory you purchased will have to use to be able to run at all. Another point is that you as the user need to acclimate your ownself with memory timing requirements before you start changing them on a tweaker/tuner style mother board. Simply put as I know how to say it. I never run memory at default volts on the DFI sisters it is well known that these boards undervolt slightly and tightening the timings and forcing memory to run more powerfully needs more volts that is a given in most hi-po motherboards.


I have only seen two people over the last few months buy that memory and run it fairly well and to tell the truth I paid not much attention to their memory timings. Why? I had already bought that same memory and tried it and sent it back. I was not going to be impressed.


Now since you have made it to this forum and presuming you have read around some> you know the DFI sisters haul booty when you feed them the memory they like and do not just willy nilly change bios settings without forethought to them always liking tighter settings and changing only a few settings at a time.


Hopefully you have had the battery out while waiting on your pre-flashed bioses to come/return and the clear CMOS jumper on the clear position and when the new bios chip comes> return the battery to its rightful place. Place the clear CMOS jumper onto the RUN pins and I would put the J8 jumper back on. Re-apply power to the mother board and during this first bootup> I suggest only one stick of memory in the slot furtherest from the CPU. New bios chip should get you up and going .


Now you need to tell which bios version you are currently using. If it is not the official DFI 6/19 a flash to that bios may in fact be better for your less than advised memory and once up and booting perhaps the forum can help walk you thru a bios flash. Perhaps your bios savior will be in your possession as well by that time and the whole thing can be a little safer for the newer user.


Best I can do at this time and would have let it be except I saw the wrong advide in aOa and then you repeat it here about the reset of CMOS pins.


Sincerely, RGone...

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You guys have been a tremendous help -


I apologize for the spreading of misinformation in this forum if that was how it was preceived. I wanted to reinerate that Clearing of the CMOS question in this forum to make sure I had the correct info not to sound sarcastic in any way.


I never had a corupted Bios situation before and when Angry wrote that I might have to RMA the MB I got worried. I now understand what a corupted Bios acts like and how to correct it.

Thank you!


This is my first computer I ever built and I have never overclocked anything before so I'm sorry if I seem like a dumb@$$ at times. My last computer is a Gateway PII 400MHz with 384MB of PC100 Ram so as you can tell this Newb is a long way from Kansas with my new Rig:angel:


I thirst for knowledge as you will see in future post and I'm not afraid of earning my stripes:D


I wasn't aware that these Lanparty Mb undervolted the VDIMM.


Do they undervolt the VCORE and Chipset Voltages as well?


I understand that the OCZ PC4200 Memory I bought is best used on the Intel Paltform. I also know that the default timmings of 2.5-4-4-7 are not what the NFII paltform likes compared to ultra low latency Ram.


But the only reason I bought this Ram specifically for this MB was a review I read at "ClubOverclocker.com" abt this DFI Lanparty NFII Ultra B they were using the 11-25 shipping Bios with OCZ PC3500 EL Ram (I believe Winbond BH5 chips) 2x256 and got a max overclock of 225Mhz.


Then they tried the 12-31 and 1-21 beta Bios and got a max overclock of 245Mhz FSB w/2.5-3-4-4-7 timming. They said that Tony (aka BigToe) who works at OCZ(and was working closely with DFI) gave them some PC4200 EL and they were able to pull a 240Mhz FSB w/CPC on w/2.5-4-3-3-7 timmings with this memory for a clock of 2400Mhz with a Barton 2500+


I was like holy S^!t. I have read that the magic number for an AMD set up is 250Mhz FSB to bring it up to Intel's quad pumped architecture.


So when they said they were able to get 260Mhz FSB w/CPC off and at 2.5-3-3-3-7 timmings I was like Hell I'm buying they Hynix chips they sound like the best of both world's.


Decent latency and high bandwith.


Now RGone I'm no expert. It sounds like what you where saying in your post was that this was one of the two people you talked too or it was a rarity not the norm. So my question is this. I already own this Ram so what Ram would be the best for my NFII Lanparty?


Should I be using Winbond BH5, BH6, or CH5 modules?


PC3200 or PC3500?


I've been looking at OCZ PC3200 Platinum Limited Edition Windbond BH6 with 2-2-2-5 OCZ4001024ELDCPLE-K

Also Corsair TwinX1024-3200XLPRO 2-2-2-5

I havn't been to Muskin's site yet to see what they have yet.


I have had my battery out and my CMOS jumper in the reset position since last Monday. I received my Pre-flashed Bios chips today and will fix my comp Sunday. I was using Official 6-19-04 Bios before. I flashed to them and had no problems.


I now have Pre-Flashed Chips with the following Official Bios's 10-15, 11-25, and 6-19.


Has anyone overclocked with the 6-19-04 Bios how are they compared to the 12-31, 1-21, and 1-31, beta Bios?


RGone thxs for the proper procedures info on the Bios replacement. :D


Angry - Does OCZTony post on this forum how do I get in touch with him or Andy?


Thxs Again


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Ok its Sunday 9:00PM and I just followed RGone's advise to a tee.


I installed my new Bios chip (10-15-03 Official DFI Bios) made sure it aligned up perfectly with the key. Installed my CMOS battery. Then placed my CMOS reset jumper to the Normal Position. Installed one 512MB stick of Ram in Dimm 3. Hooked uo all my cables and cards I took out and then applied power cord to my PSU. Flipped the switch and.....................................................


Yea it started up with my power light on again but........................


BOO- I'm getting a Early Program Chipset Register Before Post Error????????????????


I resarted with the insert key held down but no help.


Forum please advise!


I was going to try another CMOS Reset but don't want to F-up

anything or corupt my Bios again before I receive a responce.




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...far away and not right there to really read the pulse but why in the world did you put the 10/15 bios in? Your last pretty good results until you started listening to the @holes tell you to tighten that loose memory up were with the 6/19 bios unless you did a lot more computering that you did not mention before flashing to 6/19?


Turn the computer off and remove the a/c cord again and jumper to clear cmos and put the 6/19 bios (you just got) in and see if it boots after replacing clear CMOS again to run and swapping to the 6/19 bios. I am beginning to have my doubts without some real memory. Sorry to say it that way but it is 'how' I feel when folks get in these jams.


Short of any other ideas is to go and see if you have friend or foe close at hand that you can borrow a plain ole stick of PC2100 memory to try to crank with.


Sounds to me like you have just about forced yourself into RMA time to me.


Sincerely, RGone...

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Ok I got rid of Early program chipset register before POST Error.


Now all I'm getting is Testing Memory Presence Error?


I went back to the 10-15-03 Bios because that was the shipping Bios to my MB and I didn't play with it as much as I would like for benchmarking purposes.


I didn't think that it would make a difference since the last Bios chip was corupted but obviously it does hence the last error (chipset)


Should I RMA the board or find PC3200 or slower memory to try?


I am letting it sit overnight with the power cord unpluged and the CMOS jumper in reset position.


I have reset it a couple of times and held down the insert button but I'm not sure if my keyboard is responding being a USB and I hear they are late to post on this MB.


Should I plug in a PS/2 Keyboard and hold insert to reset to defaults?

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Should I RMA the board or find PC3200 or slower memory to try?
I don't really 'think' there is anything wrong with your board and 'most certainly' nothing about a RMA will *make* that memory any more workable. Memory that is 'more' suited to the board would definitely be something I would explore.



Should I plug in a PS/2 Keyboard and hold insert to reset to defaults?
Why certainly if you don't think your USB keyboard is working> then plug in a ps2. NOTE: after a full CMOS clear and replacing battery and then A/c power to boot> I never hold down the insert key. Why? I just cleared the CMOS and there should be nO need of holding down insert key.


Sincerely, RGone...

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Thxs RGone for your most excellent help though it all!:nod:


I tryed rebooting after letting the CMOS Jumper sit in the reset position overnight, left the battery in ( to hard to take it out without taking out my Audigy 2) and left the power cord unpluged.


And pluged in the power cord fliped the PSU switch after setting the CMOS jumper to the run position and




I'm so happy:D I just bought DOOM 3 on Sunday!


RGONE you truely are KING of KINGS:angel:


Thxs for your ever present patience!


I booted and got an Detecting and Installing an IDE device LED Error at first?


The screen said CMOS checksum error when it booted and said there was a change in the CPU. I restarted and entered the BIOS Menu and set default settings and then reload my 6-19-04 Bios backup and everything seems fine.


I have had a few Windows Serious Error windows pop up though. I sent error reports but nothing has crashed at all.


I know you can't probley recommend a specific brand of Memory to get but what chip works the best with this MB


BH5, BH6 or CH5 Winbond memory chips?

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:D Haluhforkinglujah man. Good show yourself in patience. You got it going on man.


Ok, if you point me to the "where" you buy from> I will take a look thru the offerings. Overseas sites are seemingly so arrogant in their buy it or leave it attitude (sensed by me) and their frugal amounts of information but I will try it even if you are out of the states.


Be careful with it, especially radical changes all at once. Get a feel for that memory as I think it may FSB pretty well but is short on bandwidth thru put even at elevated FSB's. The problem comes when you set say 11, 3, 3, 3, and Cas2.5 that the bios does not like it and locks or corrupts. But the memory needs to be that loose to get on up in FSB and so it is ye ole catch '22'. Plus I do not think that memory likes a lot of voltage.


You got it up on the 6/19 right? That is your best bet. And always when going to make a hardware change such as memory or cpu or whatever really> load optimized defaults and then after boot to save the optimized> shutdown and make the change. You will save yourself another round of grief. This DFI sisters are much quirky or "peaky' as we used to say in motorcross bikes, but they can fly.


Let me know. Again Congrats to you man................

Sincerely, RGone...

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Well, if your CPU is locked...at 11x I think... then 220-230Mhz is about as high as you will get on air. So you are better off getting ram that will do tight timings at lower FSB than stuff for loose timing at 250-260.


Depends on your budget. 2x KHX3000 256M sticks at ZipZoomFly...$160, that is BH5. Or 2x 512M $228.


Bagging some CH-5 sticks will also do well, lots of options for those.


Glad you got the beast breathing again.

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I'm not sure if I understood you correctly B.B. but did you say that you left the clear cmos jumper on overnight with the battery in. Correct me if I'm wrong Rgone, but won't that kill the battery. If so you might want to replace the bettery BB or you will keep losing your cmos settings. If I misunderstood, feed me peanuts and can me dumbo. Just trying to help avoid future headaches for you.


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I think your right Kevin my computer works but it is randomly rebooting before the Windows desktop has appeared on the screen.


I loaded my Tacitical Ops game and my rig just Powered Down before I could pick a Internet server to play on.


It was weird it didn't restart just powered it self down.


I have my Bios set at Load Default Settings only and backed it up in CMOS Reload Slot 1.


I put my jumper in the reset position, took the battery out, and unpluged the power cord to let it sit overnight to see if it clears up the rebooting problem.


Any sugestions Forum members on this prob?


I get a quick blink of Windows XP Blue screen with white lettering before it restarts it self not enough time to read the Windows Error.


I'm going to run Memtest86 on my memory to make sure its not damaged now that its back to default timming of 2.5-4-4-4-7.




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