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[RESOLVED] New Bios Saver,Flashing ?

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Hi guys i finaly got my replacement BS today,i know last week a lot of you helped me out but it turned out to have a broking wire.Iam reading the book and it has 2 sections.

1Save the current bios in temp files or

2.Write downloaded file or saved file into RD1

I just want to flash the BS and get it ready for flashing when i decide to.Is the first section Save current bios to temp file what i want to do?

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1. Pull the booting bios chip from motherboard.


2. Place it in the bios savior in the 'correct' orientation and place Bios Savior into the mother board again in corrrect orientation.


3. Place bios savior switch in the ORG position to boot.


4. Boot to A:> with the bios file and the correct awdflash.exe on the floppy. This normally means use a booting floppy.


5. Switch Bios savior switch from the ORG you booted on to the RD1 side and flash the 'blank' RD1 side with the bios of your choice and the appropriate / syntax for the bios you are using.


That is all there is to it. If it does not want to flash then reboot again on the ORG side and swap again to the RD1 side and use the /tiny as your syntax and it should flash onto the blank bios chip.


Sincerely, RGone...

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Originally posted by Prostock62

Ya i did CM,i have it down on paper but the info is from how to do it with the NF7 and a hot flash,i deleted it so no one can say iam posting 2 times for the same.


Just for the future... all threads are usefull in a search for a problem... think of the people that took there time to post a solution that could help down the road...


you could of put a caption like "solved" on it



I mailed your chips today...

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Thanks CM,the only reason i deleted it was because i always see people saying not to post twice and thats what i thought i would be doing. Next time i will leave it.What i was asking is do i leave the org chip in after the flash and run the system with it in,in the org position?And thanks for the chips CM.

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Originally posted by Prostock62

Thanks CM,the only reason i deleted it was because i always see people saying not to post twice and thats what i thought i would be doing. Next time i will leave it.What i was asking is do i leave the org chip in after the flash and run the system with it in,in the org position?And thanks for the chips CM.

i just read you run it in the org position for regular use.

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the principal behind it is to have a good bios as a backup... it does not matter which one you run everyday as long as you keep a good BIOS... so flash and play with one and don't ever touch the other as that is your "BIOS Savior"


in other words leave RD1 alone and run and flash ORG...




leave ORG alone and run and flash RD1...


one is just there in case you need it:angel:

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