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Did i kill it?

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Hey guys, im new here as of today because of a problem with my ultra b board.


After over clocking my cpu only 200mhz my computer would not boot. i cleared the cmos and it was all ok, it was just my ram was set to 1:1. Fixed that gave the ram and cpu a small voltage boost and went for a 229FSB, that booted and i changed the ratio on the ram to get it's FSB up a bit and i started getting some wierd problems, so i pulled the CPU jumper to drop it to 100mhz FSB and rebooted, lowered the FSB to 200 and shut down to replace the jumper.


Passed that point i have tried cmos clearing, the 100mhz jumper, removing the battery, and combinations of those.


The results i am getting are the 3 lights on the keyboard flashing, the system starting, but nothing on the screen. i believe all four diagnostic LEDs are on as well. I cant get it to do anything but cold boot


Any suggestions? I am lost on this one.:confused:

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I'll try to give you a hand here 'till some of the old hands come wandering around.


With these nF2 chipsets, they do not like to have the ram and cpu run async. So Keep it at 1:1.


But that won't help 'till you get it to boot, Have you tried to power up while holding down the insert key? This will load optimal defaults and you might get back into the bios.


If that dosen't work try a long cmos clear.......With the system powered down remove the 12 volt power cord to the cpu, move the cmos jumper to the clear position, remove the battery, and wait at least a couple of hours (the longer the better), then reverse the prosess and try to boot up.


Hope this helps, Check out the stickey up top and go to "The House of Angry" and check out his sample bios settings that should get you off to a running start!


Incantations to your faviorite benign diety at power up seems to have a positive effect on the operation of these boards ;) ;)


Good Luck! These are sweet running boards when you get them running right.




EDit: Typos

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Thanks for the help


i tried the insert key one, and i will let it run over night doing the cmos clear, hopefully that works:)


it seems that every time i have had a problem with this board it is memory related.


when i am back up and running, where can i find a quick guide on over clocking on the ultra B board with pc2700 ram (hyper x in particular)? or if you guys have experience with it, it would be good to know some voltage, timings and FSB settings.



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Here's a couple of links about basics of OCing:






Some where to start :D


Get to know your bios real well! It is your friend! How long have you had tour rig running? What bios you using? I didn't have much luck going over 200 FSB untill I got the volts up over 3.0. If your mem is bh5 It just loves the voltage.


Hopefully some LPb users will show up with help for the 4 LED, cold boot=no post thing, Remedies seem to be the same/similar but I am only experienced w/ my infinity.


If it won't post in the morning, do not dispair, probably the bios got corrupted and that is correctable. You may have to contact Angry_Games or RGone to get the ball rolling to getting your chip reflashed, hopefully it won't come to that.


Pay attention when the "old hands" are posting! there's a lot to be learned from their knowledge and experience.


Later dude.

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Those links have some good reading material to add to the pile:)


i have had the board for a few months now and just started playing with it. no bios updates yet, but i can see a few bugs already. any recomendation on the most stable version?


i managed to find a couple sticks of pc2100, not much of a problem to find when you run a computer store/lan party spot in your basement:p

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Certainly the biggest issue with the sistas is the NO POST - BLANK SCREEN problem. Caused thousands of hours of profanity, numerous anxiety attacks, and god knows how many boards returned by consumers.


The almost always come back to life, especially the LPBs, just needs some time.

Option #1: Do all the stuff mentioned above after clearing CMOS for 24 hours. Prolly need to use the PC2100 ram trick as well, just a single stick and remove all others. no need to get fancy. This is usually a good time to clean out all dust bunnies, re-route wires, and a general spruce up since you got plenty of time to kill.


Option #2: Hotflash that chip on another NF2 board. course by the time you get that done you can prolly have Option #1 completed. If you need that one reflashed you can send it to DFI. Contact A_G or RGone for details. Still gotsta figure out how to pull chip from the socket. (Seems terribly difficult the first time you do it and very simple to do the second time.) Then Get yourself a bios savior or a spare bios chip from elts_drac while he's still got some left. Should be covered on bios flashing issues then.


Option #3: Stick some wires in the socket. Do the War Mod and L12 mod so it's forced to boot at a 1.775v default Vcore and 200FSB. Cazn't possibly hurt unless you stick the "wars" in the wrong hole!:nod: This is also a great time to CAREFULLY regrease the CPU and HS with your favorite topping.


Option #4: Flash the 6/19 Official Bios using proper procedures.


Option #5: Get yourself a good costume and build a large bonfire at midnight. Contact me for additional information and/or costume rental.:nod:

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I ended up getting a new chip sent to my by badflash.com. Now, if it would only get here.


I tried the long smos clear and nothing happened for me. BUT, now I have:


Blank BIOS from elts_drac


Badflash BIOS

BIOS Savior


I don't think this will happen again :)



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This is looking grim for my board. I did the long cmos clear, the ram thing and still the same problem.


So DFI will get me a new flashed bios then?


that would save a lot of hours of me fooling around..

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