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Toaster Sigs (NF2/AthlonXP ONLY!)

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You may have said earlier in this thread but its a big thread so I thought I would just ask.


Will this be the same requirments for the a64s for getting a toaster sig? If not have you figured what the requirments will be.


And hey what if I have a Ultra B & a a64 that can met requirments hehehhehe.........



Those are some real cool sigs BTW, all should be proud.




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now that i have finally jumped into the overclocking...im starting to put some serious thought into the A64 requirements...i've hit 250 1:1 without even breaking a sweat so I don't think 250 1:1 is going to be too tough for most...


but 300 1:1? that might be rough...but then again I dont know...im still up in the air trying to figure out what might be tough to achieve like the 250FSB on the INF/LP NF2 was...

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sorry to ask yet another question .. I didn't see it clarified in the initial post .. and didn't have time to read the entire thread i'm afraid .. please odnt hurt me. You say for 250/2500 club people. I seem to recall seeing sigs over 2500 clock speed, but under 250 fsb (i hope i'm not wrong about that) is it also possible to get a toaster sig for clocks under 2500, but fsb over 250?

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Only (with a thoroughbred) - too modest my man.


Like angry says - it's 250 or 2500.

Can't remember who, but we had a 250x8 and I know he worked his butt off to get it. Prolly a lot harder than a lot of guys with mobiles.


And you know what? It won't feel any different that 250x10. lol

Don't think it will act much different either. :nod:


Good luck with da primin!

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Finnaly, I´ve achieved 250x9 with my 1800+ Tbred. I thought you had to make 250x10, and I could only get to 244x10 xD.


I had never used Prime95, I started it today for just an hour to check stability but when I stopped it, it didn´t tell me how much time I had it runninng. Is it because I didn´t give it the chance to finish at least Test Nº1? Another question, I have to run Torture Test Blend?


BTW: Didn´t failed in 2 hours, it seems I can make 8 :)


PD: How many members have Tbred´s Toaster Certified?

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Originally posted by Angry_Games

now that i have finally jumped into the overclocking...im starting to put some serious thought into the A64 requirements...i've hit 250 1:1 without even breaking a sweat so I don't think 250 1:1 is going to be too tough for most...


but 300 1:1? that might be rough...but then again I dont know...im still up in the air trying to figure out what might be tough to achieve like the 250FSB on the INF/LP NF2 was...


I wound'nt know what to pick either, I think its harder to get 2600mhz stable on 754 than 300 HTT @ 1:1. The 300 mem speed is just a matter of buying the ram. But show me one that will do all the required test(3D & prime) at 2600mhz on air & I am shure they have put some time in it. 939 may be a diff story.


I caint do it with my best CPU, 3Dmark yea, prime no. Maybe after

948U gets here & my best CPU. I cant afford anymore memory. I have 6 stick of BH6 & 2 of OCZ and non of it will do 300, oh well 2222222222 at 262 still runs good.



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maybe after another month or so, when we start to see real limits to what this board + hardware attached to it can do, we can decide on something...might something like 'overclock your cpu 600Mhz' or 300FSB 1:1...with all the previous requirements of course...


still don't really know what a 'holy crap!' limit is going to be on these boards... ;)


heck...we might even just say 'post your pic, 3dmark + prime stable, and we'll just give ya one'


sort of 'honor system'...if you only overclock 100Mhz and think you want a toaster...well...then thats up to you to be proud of 100Mhz overclock...some of you might want to kill yourselves getting 750Mhz overclock or 300FSB etc...then submit and say "dagnab it i could only get 289FSB 1:1 3dmark/prime stable, but here it is" and blammo we give you toaster...


honestly...wearing the toaster sig is more of a mark of pride for me, as it shows that you are serious enough about your comp, and you are willing to participate in this community...and when you wear it elsewhere, it will show others...


because I think that the next version of the 'toaster sig' that Ben makes is going to have DFI-Street.com in the actual toaster or blender or whatever...that way if you just come here for the sig then never return...everywhere you go and show it off it shows our lil community address...


/me stops pondering for the moment to go sleep

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good gravy i'm an idiot .. prime95 ran all night at 260x9 (i'm sure it will do it again, so it doesnt really matter) i got two cpuz windows open, to a screenie, then closed prime95 and ran3dmark, then took another screenie, thus they edup being on two screens ... furthermore the prime95 window is running on top of the cpuz windows , i'm a fool .. somebody punch me please.

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