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Confused Why E2140 Doesnt Oc Over 2.3ghz

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Is it because of my motherboard - nForce 650SLI chipset or is it because of my ram-DDR2-800 Transcend Jetram?

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Most likely motherboard. What are your bios settings set to? And what do you mean doesnt overclock past 2.3? Does it boot and crash, or does it just not do anything? You most likely need more vcore.

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Most likely motherboard. What are your bios settings set to? And what do you mean doesnt overclock past 2.3? Does it boot and crash, or does it just not do anything? You most likely need more vcore.

It boots windows but crashes nd hangs. I'l try to up the vcore and let u know what happens

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It boots windows but crashes nd hangs. I'l try to up the vcore and let u know what happens


Lol, be sure to not go over 1.5 vcore though. Also, as damian said, what are your temps?

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Most likely motherboard.
Its because of your RAM.

Both possibly in a settings oriented way, but hell no in a will slow the OC way. The 650i is just a 680i with the 430 rather then 590SLI for a south bridge and can OC just as well. Even the crap of crap 650i boards (and really their weren't any too crappy) will do 1333 fsb, and you're only at 1150 now. You MIGHT need a small vcore bump on the CPU if it's not one of the better OCers, and you'll need to set your ram to stay @ or below 800 for now (unlinked mode works best for this) Once you find out what works for the CPU, you can start bringing up the ram speed and see what it can do. Just be sure to keep an eye on load temps and you should be fine.

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check your ram dividers, it happens to me on my e4400 on first time when i got it

Hey man. Thanks for the advice. My ram dividers were currently set to auto along with the system voltage controls. The Voltage options avialable didnt have a seperate part for vcore. See the pictures below. Sorry about the quality :blush:



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