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well the people who base all their descisions on what a single person says is stupid and deserves their broken comp and a person who bases all their descisions on what a few people on a forum say are stupid too. i come on here listen to what everyone has to say then i go and research it myself. this pushes me off on what to look at and see which thing i should get for my situation and i think thats what everyone else should do too. as for posting info that may not be 100% true, its gonna happen and this is a forum 98% of what is said on here has some opinion involved like when everyone hates on ati or everyone says the a7n8x is the best board out there or people rag on intel. the only time i rag on anything like that( like my post in the idea corner) is just joking and not ment to be taken seriously. because fact 1 intel is faster than amd fact2 intel is more expensive opinion1 thats what seperates them. thats more of a half fact though because it ture but there are alot more things that seperate them like not being able to unlock intel multipliers. and intels 800mhz fsb and amd's quanti and so on and so forth. everyone should post what they think is best because they will only learn how to post important information that way by reading the replies.

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well the people who base all their descisions on what a single person says is stupid and deserves their broken comp and a person who bases all their descisions on what a few people on a forum say are stupid too. i come on here listen to what everyone has to say then i go and research it myself. this pushes me off on what to look at and see which thing i should get for my situation and i think thats what everyone else should do too. as for posting info that may not be 100% true, its gonna happen and this is a forum 98% of what is said on here has some opinion involved like when everyone hates on ati or everyone says the a7n8x is the best board out there or people rag on intel. the only time i rag on anything like that( like my post in the idea corner) is just joking and not ment to be taken seriously. because fact 1 intel is faster than amd fact2 intel is more expensive opinion1 thats what seperates them. thats more of a half fact though because it ture but there are alot more things that seperate them like not being able to unlock intel multipliers. and intels 800mhz fsb and amd's quanti and so on and so forth. everyone should post what they think is best because they will only learn how to post important information that way by reading the replies.

i think you have the right idea, but some people (especially those who dont know much about computers) take any "expert" word given to them like the good book itself... while you understand that the person could be misinformed, and double-check your information, they would assume that the person is correct, since they seem to know what their doing.


i dont mind the person NOT KNOWING the subject they give advice on, its the fact that they KNOWINGLY give advice on something they dont know. really, i dont care how much you know, as long as you dont try and pretend you know something that you dont.


as to that analogy, it doesnt work. a batch of cookies with only a *little* dog sh|t still taste bad, likewise, a computer needs to have EVERYTHING hooked up correctly to work, a little bad information can ruin what you are trying to accomplish



i think that people around here are getting to used to the mixture of opinion and fact. DONT TRY TO PUSH FACTS THAT ARNT SOLIDLY BACKED BY ACTUAL DATA. you can tell me what i say is wrong all you want, but i know that's just your opinion. my opinion is fact, since my opinion is the same as the facts. IE, i say "ATi performs best" you think its an opinion, when in reality, its an opinion that is equal to facts. the only variable is what "performance" is. that is, however, a different story, and one with much less disagreement.


just like others, i buy components based on my opinion. that is why i can honestly say that i buy what is the best, since i buy what my opinion says is best, and my opinion is the same as the data. if the data changes (ex, nvidea comes out with newer, better card) my opinion changes, and therefore my hardware changes. performance is pretty cut and dried most of the time, so i dont see why any one's opinion has to be different: what's best is best, and while ill admit not *ALL* my parts are what i want them to be (lack up update, not mistakes in buying) at least i dont try to push these parts as "top of the line" to others

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apparnatly you are not aware of the many mathamatical proofs...


if a=b and b=c then a=c... simple :rolleyes:



try to note take my words out of context next time, if i had a word that stood for "factual opinion" then i would have used it. i *would* say fact BASED on opinion, but that consents that perhaps things were changed when going from fact to opinion, instead of copied exactly.

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so what your trying to say is that your opinion is based on fact so that means your opinion is always right so you should be the only one posting comments on the forums? That's what I got out of it. Arrogant I say... <_<


But, on the other foot, you said:

i think that people around here are getting to used to the mixture of opinion and fact. DONT TRY TO PUSH FACTS THAT ARNT SOLIDLY BACKED BY ACTUAL DATA. you can tell me what i say is wrong all you want, but i know that's just your opinion. my opinion is fact, since my opinion is the same as the facts. IE, i say "ATi performs best" you think its an opinion, when in reality, its an opinion that is equal to facts. the only variable is what "performance" is. that is, however, a different story, and one with much less disagreement


"Ati performs best", this is your 'opinion' and is based on facts? Did you perform comparitive benchmarks on your machine between an nvidia card and and ATI card to come to this conclusion, or, did you read it somewhere on the internet from someone you don't know and that person could have been passing on incorrect information? (I don't care if it was from a 'reputable internet source', people are people, and people are not perfect) So you could be doing exactly what your complaining about. If your opinion is equal to facts then that means your statement would be factual not an opinion. So in the future YOU should never post YOUR opinion, you should redirect people to the facts using links or a quoted excerpt with source info. Cause otherwise its just YOUR opinion...


And remember no one is here to teach, everybody is here to learn. With 50+ people giving their 'opinions' and or 'facts' some could and mostly likely will be wrong but then some of the other posters will point it out and everybody will still learn something.

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i think you misunderstood. my statements ARE factual, but since people cant seem to seperate fact from opinion, i guess you could call whatever i say "opinion" when in truth is is fact. its hard to explain.


about the ATi, that was actually just an example, meant to put what im trying to communicate in a different light in hopes that it might be more easily understood.


usually i will state somehow when my opinion is being spoken instead of facts. if my statements are challenged, i try to give my sources of information, but its true that i cant always recall sites and benchmarks where i got my information

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Actually I think you misunderstood me. The information you put forth is only factual if you experience the information for yourself, if not then you are stating an opinion based on second hand information that might or might not be correct. Thats why there are so many different opinions on the forums, everybody gets their 'facts' from different places who tend to use different methods of research and their own opinions to make a statement. I.E. a video card tested by two different web sites on two different computers with different components and benchmark software. So on the forums you will get people with different opinions on a subject, but if the majority agree then you can either consider that 'fact' enough to answer the question, or use it to narrow your search for more information.

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that's just your opinion. my opinion is fact, since my opinion is the same as the facts.



just like others, i buy components based on my opinion. that is why i can honestly say that i buy what is the best, since i buy what my opinion says is best, and my opinion is the same as the data.

You have a real problem mercury and i think threads like this are just pointing them out to other people more than you would probably like.... go ahead and try to tell me otherwise, however you will know what my response will be to yours, i have learned of your little problem and have learned to ignore whatever you say because of it. I myself have no respect for somebody who wont open their eyes to other peoples opinions and at least try to get over themselves long enough to try see if that opinion is a good one to take or not. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins(i think). Im just sick of this battle that people(especially me) always seem to get into with you, its rather annoying. Uhg i cant express what else i wish to say.

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