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Xigmatek S1283


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So I recently purchased the xigmatek s1283 fan for my computer. The installation was tricky with the 4 push pin connectors but I think it went on right. I tried to do a little force and tug test to see if it was on and it seemed okay.


What I am trying to find out is if my temps are normal for load and idle. Right now I am getting 40-36-34-34 idle temps and at load I am getting 46-39-36-36 running at 2.7 ghz


Now do these seem a bit high for my fan? also do you think that my fan might not be on right?



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Make sure you put a small amount of thermal compound on each of the heatpipes and none on the CPU. If you put it in the center of the CPU then one pipe spreads it out and the channels each side take most of the compound and it doesn't spread right onto the other two pipes. Only having a difference of 2-6 degrees C between load and idle doesn't seem quite right, what are you using to load your CPU??

If your load temps are right then your idle temps don't really matter and may be due to high ambient temps. Get OCCT and run a quick test to see what 100% load does to your temps.

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What I am trying to find out is if my temps are normal for load and idle. Right now I am getting 40-36-34-34 idle temps and at load I am getting 46-39-36-36 running at 2.7 ghz


Now do these seem a bit high for my fan? also do you think that my fan might not be on right?


They don't seem right at all. First off, which Quad do you have? You didn't mention your chip.


Next, what are you using to load your cores? With my Q6600 at 3.33 ghz, my idle temps are 31, 32, 34, 35 with my ambient at 25 C today. Loading all 4 cores with Prime95, my load temps are 56, 57, 60, 60. Your load temps are not as high as I would expect with your idle spread from 34 to 40. I would really expect you to be seeing mid to high 50s at load. - Your idle temps are relatively normal for a warm ambient (maybe a tad high for 2.7 ghz, though).


But, if you really are loading all of your cores and seeing only 46 for your hottest core, leave it alone and thank your lucky stars because you have a lot more overclocking headroom as far as your processors temp is concerned.

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I bought one of these also and it is not as good as big typhoon. I had to put a 110 cfm fan on it to keep it somewhat in check. At 1.4375 vcore setting in bios it runs 60-62c full load. I have the typhoons and TRUEs on worse Quad that require 1.5 vcore setting in the bios and am getting about the same temps at full load with a lot more volts. I have even mounted with a back plate and bolts instead of push pins, I have remounted a few a different times and same results. It could be this Quad chip runs a lot hotter than my other quads, I remember some guys at XS that got the same batch number and they said theres run hot so they sold them or sent them back. Hmm, I dont know I had the same chip under water and it was fine...

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I have the typhoons and TRUEs ...


Which do you like better?


I bought my Xigmatek for a couple of reasons, but I don't have much to compare it to. It outperforms my Tuniq 120, but I really don't know first hand how it should stack up to a TRUE or Typhoon because I don't own either of those. I don't see myself buying a TRUE but I might think about the Big Typhoon. I've read one too many times that almost a sure thing you'll have to lap a true to get it to be worth owning. At the price they ask for it, I just sort of figure it should work out of the box and shouldn't require the user to have to wet sand it to make it worth its price tag.


BTW, I'm not using the fan that came with my Xigmatek either. I liked the one that was in the tuniq a little better.

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Now the way you described installing the thermal compound was the way I did it. I have the q6600 rev G0 type of chip.


So yesterday I was fiddling around with the overclocking I got my cpu to 3.0ghz at 1.35v. and I am getting idle temps of 38-36-33-33 with ambient room temp of around 24c. Next I downloaded OCCT, installed it and ran the test. The temps are looking like this 57-56-55-55.


Now does this seem normal?


edit: oh yes I forgot to add I ran Prime95 on all cores yesterday with my cpu set to 3.0ghz @ 1.35v, and it ran for 10 hours with no problems. So I am thinking that it should be okay with the settings they are at now, correct?

Edited by ank14

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Those temps seem a lot more accurate for the voltage your at. For the G0 quads you are within safe temps right up until the high 60's so you have around another 10 degrees to play with.

As for your overclock you shouldn't need anywhere near that voltage for 3.0Ghz, you should be able to get a stable 3Ghz under 1.3v. What is the VID (Default Vcore) for your CPU?

Edited by Branjo

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Those temps seem a lot more accurate for the voltage your at. For the G0 quads you are within safe temps right up until the high 60's so you have around another 10 degrees to play with.

As for your overclock you shouldn't need anywhere near that voltage for 3.0Ghz, you should be able to get a stable 3Ghz under 1.3v. What is the VID (Default Vcore) for your CPU?


Where can I find the default VID?


edit: in coretemp it says the VID is 1.3250


Hmm... I am a bit confused in bios I set the cpu vcore to 1.3v now I come into windows and launch cpu-z and it says its 1.256v, I dont understand.

Edited by ank14

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Which do you like better?


I bought my Xigmatek for a couple of reasons, but I don't have much to compare it to. It outperforms my Tuniq 120, but I really don't know first hand how it should stack up to a TRUE or Typhoon because I don't own either of those. I don't see myself buying a TRUE but I might think about the Big Typhoon. I've read one too many times that almost a sure thing you'll have to lap a true to get it to be worth owning. At the price they ask for it, I just sort of figure it should work out of the box and shouldn't require the user to have to wet sand it to make it worth its price tag.


BTW, I'm not using the fan that came with my Xigmatek either. I liked the one that was in the tuniq a little better.

I like the TRUEs better, however if you take a typhoon and do away with the push pins and mount it with a backplate changed the fan it will perform almost as good as a TRUE. And yes the TRUEs are not flat that is for sure, the last one I got I sit it on the cpu and it would rock back and forth it being convex but they say there made that way for the concave cpus.... I am a little disappointed in the Xigmatek S1283, I thought it would have done better than it does...

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This is called Vdrop, I get the same thing, there is also Vdroop the difference between them is Vdrop will give the CPU a lower voltage than what you set it at in the BIOS and Vdroop is when you run something CPU intensive and it drops even further under load. The Vdrop on my gigabyte is about 0.04v but I was able to eliminate the Vdroop via a pencil mod across a small resistor.

Its not a mistake in anyway, I really don't know the whole ins and outs of it but in layman's terms of it is like a speedstep for voltage and lets the chip decide how much power it needs based on what its doing at the time. Its a good thing for saving energy but can be a bad thing when overclocking as a stable overclock is mostly all about stable CPU voltage.


1.3250 is pretty high for a G0 stepping, maybe just a later batch. Mine are 1.2625v and 1.2500v. With yours being that high it might actually limit you as far as high overclocks as you really don't want to put anything higher than 1.5v Max! unless you have serious cooling. Thats not to say it won't overclock it just means that getting a high overclock will be harder as heat will start to be an issue faster than the ability of the CPU.


You have to make sure your airflow is right for these heat sinks to perform as they should, they should have a fresh supply of air directly going into the fan and a powerful enough exhaust fan to remove the hot air too. Even a slight difference in airflow can cause turbulence around the heat sink enough to starve it of air. I did a minor mod to my case just recently that gave me excellent results.

I opened up all the CD slots on the front and cut a small piece of acrylic plastic to fit and mounted a 120mm fan under my DVDRW, 3 CD spaces is perfect for a 120mm fan, the differences where as much as a 6 degree drop under load, putting me right on 60C under 99.93% load.

Edited by Branjo

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1.3250 is pretty high for a G0 stepping, maybe just a later batch. Mine are 1.2625v and 1.2500v. With yours being that high it might actually limit you as far as high overclocks as you really don't want to put anything higher than 1.5v Max! unless you have serious cooling. Thats not to say it won't overclock it just means that getting a high overclock will be harder as heat will start to be an issue faster than the ability of the CPU.

I have a 1.3250V VID G0 Q6600... it definitely needs more than 1.300V for 3.0GHz lol... for 3.6 GHz I'm putting 1.575V through it, with a vDrop of 0.007V, no vDroop

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