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What Shouldcpu Temps. Be?

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I'm running an Intel Core 2 Extreme X9000 dual core Penryn processor. Using the reading from Speed Fan, it is averaging about 33 Celsius at idle. This is in a Dell XPS M1730 laptop. Is this a good temp for the CPU? I want to overclock it, but I don't want to damage it. These temps. are at 2.8 gHz and the Dell BIOS allows for overclocking to 3.4 gHz. Is that even safe temperature wise?

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33C idle is pretty average I'd say for a laptop, probably on the lower side too. As for the cpu, run something like prime95(you can download it from this site's download section) for around 20-30minutes monitoring the temps.


The X9000 nice CPU, looks like it can run a bit hotter then desktops can, still 70C would be max for me, 60C to be safer.

Edited by CanadaGUY

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Thanks for the info. I just ran Orthos for 40 minutes using the Gromacs core to stress the CPU. The temps. steadied out around 64C. It seems pretty reasonable based on the temp. listed by Intel. I think I might try overclocking to 3.0 GHz and see how that goes.

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I personally wouldn't recommend overclocking your notebook processor because of heat and possible damage not only to the processor but other components inside the laptop case. Just my humble opinion and my 2 cents worth.


If you decide to overclock I'd recommend a mild overclock and certainly not one that would require any massive voltage increases. You might also consider a laptop cooler to help move some of the heat out of the case.


Good luck. Let us know what she'll do. Very nice laptop by the way.

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Ya, generally i wouldn't even think of OC'ing a laptop, since they a basically little space heaters you can put on your lap to keep you warm in the winter. But thats quite a big laptop, and from the reviews, it seems it has enough cooling to keep it decently cool. Just remember heat is your enemy so maybe a laptop cooler would be a good investment, if you plan to keep it OC'd for long periods of time.


Either that or do all your laptop'ing in a fridge :)

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Yea, I'm looking into a laptop cooler because I don't like the heat on my lap.


And for overclocking, it has pre-set settings in the BIOS. Dell doesn't give you much control over them. You simply select the clock speed, you can't mess with voltages, I assume those are set by Dell depending on your overclock.


For cooling, it has 3 what appear to be 60 mm fans drawing air in from the bottom and exhausting that air out the back below the screen.

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overclocked laptop




i dont really recommend oc'ing a laptop. its like starting a fire under your blanket..

sure its warm at first but rarely ends up that good of an idea

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Yea, I'm looking into a laptop cooler because I don't like the heat on my lap.


And for overclocking, it has pre-set settings in the BIOS. Dell doesn't give you much control over them. You simply select the clock speed, you can't mess with voltages, I assume those are set by Dell depending on your overclock.


For cooling, it has 3 what appear to be 60 mm fans drawing air in from the bottom and exhausting that air out the back below the screen.


Does Dell still warranty the laptop if you choose one of their "preset" BIOS overclocks?

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Not to beat this subject to death or anything but there is also this little thing-a-mabob that clips over the exhaust vent on the side. Some like it but I have not tried it.



Something named "Fairy Notebook Cooling Fan" just has to be good.

I think it's made in San Francisco ... could be mistaken. :rolleyes:

Edited by Syngensmyth

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