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More Voltage = Quicker Orthos Failure?


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I was humming along at 3.6ghz running orthos yesterday and it failed after 20 minutes. I raise the voltage a bit and it fails after 18, then I raise the voltage to 1.44 and it fails after 5 minutes. It only gets as hot at 50C. My RAM was completely stock at 4-4-4-12 @ 2.1v. Im not really in a hurry to overclock anymore, but is there any reason its doing this?

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More voltage isn't always the answer to stability.

You might want to do multiple Orthos runs to confirm it, but it would seem there is decent trend occuring.

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So I shouldnt have tried 1.8v earlier today?



J/k, now that I think of it I switched from blend to small FFTs when it failed in 5 mins. I dont really see how that would change anything though, as it was still unstable at the other setting.

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That would go some way to explaining it.

Different FFT sizes will tend have an effect on how soon the test fails, at least for short runs like that.

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Im almost positive the 18 minute run I had was run on small FFTs... I shouldnt be so careless when it comes to my settings. But thats good to know that those settings can have an effect on my stress testing.

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the problem with overclocking on 680i is that you need to adjust all the voltages to get a stable OC which is about as easy as trying to solve a 7 digit combination lock...


you might need more CPU voltage, or less, or more/less CPU VTT, more/less MCP, more/less SPP, more/less MCP<>SPP, more/less vDimm... (the 7th is the %OV :P)


there are barely any rules... just trial and error, and a massive test of patience...

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the problem with overclocking on 680i is that you need to adjust all the voltages to get a stable OC which is about as easy as trying to solve a 7 digit combination lock...


you might need more CPU voltage, or less, or more/less CPU VTT, more/less MCP, more/less SPP, more/less MCP<>SPP, more/less vDimm... (the 7th is the %OV :P)


there are barely any rules... just trial and error, and a massive test of patience...



He's exactly right, its really just trial and error to the extreme with the 680i's.

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/facepalm With that combination and my patience Ill never get anywhere :P I think Ill stay where Im at and leave it for another day.... or another board and CPU

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