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Draining A Water Cooling System


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Anyone got an idea to drain a watercooling system. Every time I screw with this something gets wet, and I want to make sure that doesn't happen again. I thought I would of been able to drain it from the fillport.

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what I do is unhook power to the mobo,gpu's, and hdd's, then unhook it from the rad with my little container thingy that I keep my koolant mix in underneath the rad and let it go. but I am buying a drain port because it's only like 5 bucks and it will make life alot easier.

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Guest ajmatson

How is it set up? You got a pic? I drain mine via the fill port on my Water Box Plus case from DD.

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It might be a bit overkill, but I remove everything from the case (mobo and vga definitely, plus whatever else I can get out fairly easy.


Then, at least with mine, when I kill the pump it all settles down into the res but doesn't fill it completely, so I open the top and use a turkey baster to drain it out. Then when I can't get anymore, I rock it forward to move more water to the res. Once I get as much as I can that way, I just start disconnecting things and letting the little leftover water drip into an old towel.

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That is so simple I am kicking myself for ever trying anything else... I have the same res and I've been wanting to try out some new coolant. I guess I've got no excuse to not try it now. Thanks for the knock on the noggin!

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