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Q6600 @ 3.816ghz (air)


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Just wanted to share, made a break through in my OC tonight. I've been trying for EVER to get past 3.6ghz at 1000mghz ram. Finally! Tonight I hit 3.816ghz CPU and 1012mghz ram. After 2 hours of prime95 she seams to be doing well. I know its only 2 hours but we'll have to see how she holds up. Anyway heres the pic!




Mind you those temps are on air :thumbs-up: , but don't get excited. I have my window wide open in my room and its about 27 degrees Fahrenheit out lol. Anyway obviosly I couldn't pull off this OC with average ambient temps, however once I get water I'm hoping for 4ghz+ anyway let me know what you think! :foldon:

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Looks like you got a decent chip there....



Aye, and mobo and ram lol. Everything seams to be running like a charm. I'm very happy with this rig. I REALLY REALLY can't wait to order the parts for my water cooling setup. I want to get this chip under water asap lol. I want to see how high I can get. Even though the RAM is really picky about its FSB, anywhere between like 998 and 1007 fsb and it is unstable, but it seams that above 1007 and she does okay at 2.3v (2.2v stock) I do have my volts rather high right now on my cpu but I hope when I get water it will bring my temps down enough to allow my volts to get a little higher. I'm at 1.41 on the cpu right now.

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looks like you got a good'un... I'm gonna beat RR here and ask, "what's your VID?" :D


edit: lol... sidetracked before posting... oh well, I still asked first :P



Where would I look to find my VID?

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water allows me to run 1.575v with virtually no vDroop...



:blink: Man if I could pull off 1.5+ volts I could easily see ~4.4ghz assuming everything else plays nice. It seams like as long as I keep supplying my CPU with juice she just keeps climbing. I haven't hit any walls yet. Other than my RAM being a bit finicky, my mobo has been seen to close to 500mghz fsb so I'd think I could get a really nice OC seeing as the Q6600 has a x9 multi and it just keeps going with more juice. Anyway I'm really excited at the moment lol. I'm posting a video on Youtube to update to my last 2 vids.

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unfortunately, the vCore:overclock does not scale linearly... all of a sudden you will need massive jumps in vCore to remain stable and then very soon after you will hit a wall... 4GHz is difficult to achieve on Kentsfield... you seem to be headed towards it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up that high on much above the 4 gig mark...


don't let that put you off trying though :D


VID is in CoreTemp main page

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unfortunately, the vCore:overclock does not scale linearly... all of a sudden you will need massive jumps in vCore to remain stable and then very soon after you will hit a wall... 4GHz is difficult to achieve on Kentsfield... you seem to be headed towards it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up that high on much above the 4 gig mark...


don't let that put you off trying though :D


VID is in CoreTemp main page



Ah well then the VID is in the screen shot in the original post lol. Anyway its at 1.2750v and I also uploaded a quick vid on the new OC, nothing special just explain it a little bit so if you interested check it out.




Edit: And yea I know I shouldn't get my hopes up, even though I'm pretty confident that I can achieve at least 4ghz, maybe not a lot more, if any at all, but I know I can get 4ghz, thats only 200mghz away lol. And I'm still on air. But yea I'll be super happy if I get 4ghz though.

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looks like you got a good'un... I'm gonna beat RR here and ask, "what's your VID?" :D


edit: lol... sidetracked before posting... oh well, I still asked first :P

NRG if you look in the original post its right there in coretemp, that is why I did not ask... :)

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