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I have my rig OC to 3GHz, stable so far (2+ hrs on Ortho running fine)


Is there more head room to push it or am I pretty much at the end of the overclocking line here?


my core temps are at 63C with 100% load, is that acceptable or do I need to more cooling?


Last question here, I have a Tuniq tower, is the fan it comes with good or is optimal to replace it? and if it is better replaced any suggestions on what type of fan is better, more of a static pressure fan or a airflow fan?



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I bumped up the vcore a little I think 1.33 I have to confirm when I get home, I may bump it up a little more OCCT crapped out after 7 hours.


Ortho, not OCCT

Edited by vark5267

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