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First Time Overclocker

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Hello and thank you for reading this.


I am new to overclocking, and have never done any overclocking before a few days ago. I had been reading about the process for a few months now (starting a few weeks before I bought my new hardware) and then I read a few overclocking articles before I tried to overclock my PC a few days ago. I am sure that I still do not understand the intricacies.


My goal was to overclock from 2.4 GHz to 3.0 GHz, and to have the best settings I can get out of my RAM at that speed.


The hardware in my computer is:

1) CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600

2) RAM: 2x OCZ Platinum XTC REV.2 PC2-6400 2GB 2X1GB DDR2-800 CL4-4-4-15

3) Motherboard: ASUS P5N32-E SLI Nforce 680I SLI

4) Power Supply: Enermax Liberty 720 Watt

5) Hard Drives: 2x Raptor 150 GB in Raid 0, WD Caviar SE 16 250 GB

6) OS: Windows Vista Home Premium 32

7) Case: Coolermaster CM Stacker 830 Evo

8) CPU Cooler: Scythe Infinity 5 Heatpipe CPU 1200RPM 23.5DBA 46.5CFM. I removed the 1200 RPM fan that came with it and replaced it with 2 Scythe Slip Stream Kaze Jyuni 120MM Fans at 1900RPM 110.3CFM 37DBA. I placed a third one, just like that, at the back of the case.

9) Misc: Sound Blaster X-FI Fatal1ty, EVGA E-GEFORCE 8800GT Superclocked, and 2 Optical Drives.


(I realize that most of this is likely irrelevant, but I thought I would list all the devices so you can get an idea of the power consumption if that is indeed a factor.)


Using the Motherboards automatic settings I found the specs to be:


Processor = 2.4 GHz (9x266.66), Core Voltage: 1.264v (Drops to 1.250v sometimes).

RAM = 400 MHz, at 5-5-5-15 23 2T, FSB : DRAM = 2 : 3


I gathered this information using CPU-Z (version 1.44.1)


Using Core Temp (version 0.96.1) I have all 4 cores running around 33

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Did you use search? there is a ton of useful info in the forums. And then you have me. So read on. e6600 2.4 oc to 3.53 It took some reading. trials and errors, and pulling out some hair. So need help? Read on. Ok #1 Let go of my hand! :lol: #2 Get a note pad write down all the settings that you are changing. #3 Try them out. Hopefully you are doing them one at a time. #4 If it works. Keep on going. If not CMOS. And try something else. And keep records of what you are doing. Ok try this out. http://www.clunk.org.uk/forums/overclockin...rs-p5k-add.html

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Do you know how to use the forum OwinC? #1 post links that work :lol:


In your case, what you said about the computer shutting down again, you might want to increase your NB and SB voltages, as well as increase the memory voltage to 2.1Vs. Many people forget to increase their memory voltage, which is very important, as most boards have 1.8Vs stock, but most RAM is rated at 2.1Vs. CPU VTT could definitely do with a slight push as well :) Have you increased the CPU voltage yet, or why have you said your specs were 9x311 with 1.376Vs? If you haven't increased the volts yet, give it 1.350, and see how far it will go :)

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In your case, what you said about the computer shutting down again, you might want to increase your NB and SB voltages, as well as increase the memory voltage to 2.1Vs. Many people forget to increase their memory voltage, which is very important, as most boards have 1.8Vs stock, but most RAM is rated at 2.1Vs. CPU VTT could definitely do with a slight push as well :) Have you increased the CPU voltage yet, or why have you said your specs were 9x311 with 1.376Vs? If you haven't increased the volts yet, give it 1.350, and see how far it will go :)


This is exactly the kind of help I was looking for. Thanks a ton, both of you. I will try that out in the next day or so.


My Voltage settings are in the first post, but here is the BIOS setting: VCore Voltage = [1.28125v]. Which confuses me because CPU-Z says " Core Voltage: 1.376v "

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My Voltage settings are in the first post, but here is the BIOS setting: VCore Voltage = [1.28125v]. Which confuses me because CPU-Z says " Core Voltage: 1.376v "

Confuses me as well because MOST of the time the BIOS settings will be higher than the actual voltage, for example 1.45v in my bios will give me ~1.4 actual CPU voltage. However if it's still set to auto then it could be upping the volts as it seems fit and actually be running much higher volts than intended (and that can even ruin a good OC run due to having more voltage than needed, afterall there are sideffects to voltage increases, it seems odd that something that you up to gain stability can also be the cause of instability but at times it is.

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Confuses me as well because MOST of the time the BIOS settings will be higher than the actual voltage, for example 1.45v in my bios will give me ~1.4 actual CPU voltage. ...


My board lets me change the reference voltage. So, if I set something and it reports differently, I can change the reference number so that everything ends up the same. I like that feature.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Everyone,


Thanks. With a good deal of work / trial and error I was able to get the processor OCed to 2.8 GHz. I won't go any higher on my board it seems, no matter how much I up any voltages. I was able to OC the RAM (to 830 MHz) a bit too, and lower it's timings (to 4-4-4-15-24 2t) at the same time. I am very happy with that considering this board doesn't OC this processor will.


Oh, and I am now running Vista Home Premium 64 bit. So far so good.


Thanks to everyone.

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