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WHAT IF!?! I hooked up 4 Fans to...


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another reason not to use fan headers for the fan power is that it puts added strain on the voltage regulation of the board, fluctuations leading to instability and reduced overclocks...


when choosing a fan controller, make sure it has enough juice per channel... this is almost always quoted in Watts... if your fans don't says Watts on them, Watts = Volts x Amps.. so 12V x 0.45A = 5.4W


so that would be ok on the Zalman w/e it is 6-channel controller with a measly 7W per channel, but you couldn't run more than one of that fan...


LED fans aren't generally as power hungry as performance fans, so you might be able to run two per channel on the Zalman thing...


what you really want is a controller that can handle something like 20W+ per channel, and then you could run your 4 LED fans on one channel... I guess you could always put them in banks of 2...

:withstupid: The Sunbeam can handle 20W per channel and it's only $13. I've been using mine for years, definitely worth the money.

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