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hdd 100+ *c


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Iv'e gotta be quick, i just thought id put my case front and sides back on, then i thought, thats much quieter....:)


I then checked my temps that i havn't done in about 4months and saw my hdd @ 88*c, then it went - 91*c - 100*c - 108*c then back to 88*c then 91*c.....(read by speedfan which it used to read 40-50*c)


This is way too hot.......could it be reading wrong and what could have caused it.



Please answere quickly coz i need to reboot again b4 it goes way too high.


UPDATE: According to www.hddstatus.com, its my D:\ drive (secondry drive) that is too hot, atleast i can unplug it.


It also states that my hdd is in good -> v.good condition. My C:\ drive is now @ 39*c, this is much better.


I just noticed now that the side of my case has been off for about 10 mins the hdd (D:\) is hovering about 70-80*c.

Edited by g1ng3r

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I don't think it's possible for a drive to get that hot unless it's wrapped in an insulator (and even then 100 C is crazy).


How hot does the drive feel? If you can touch it without burning yourself it's below 60 C.

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I don't think it's possible for a drive to get that hot unless it's wrapped in an insulator (and even then 100 C is crazy).


How hot does the drive feel? If you can touch it without burning yourself it's below 60 C.


I just rebooted as the HDD has IDE cabled wraped round it. I moved them all, and its sitting on the metel HDD Bay.


The hdd reads 108*c on when it gets into windows. The hdd felt hot, but I could easily hold it.


Does it matter that the open side (showing electronics) is facing down onto the hdd bay ?

Update: I just ran o&o defrag on both hdd (1 at a time).


The C:\ drive went up about 5 degrees after about 3-5minuites

The D:\ drive went up and down. Its showed those same numbers, 100*c 108*c 81*c 91*c. The hdd actually went down to 83 then 81 when defragging.


Idle now is 108*c

Edited by g1ng3r

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Broken sensor?


If you can hold it comfortably its going to be a lot cooler than 100 degrees. Hard to say why it's reporting that it's so hot though.


As for it being that way up, that's the normal way up to mount HDDs so there shouldn't be a problem there.

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centigrade is such a wonderful scale... 0 is freezing, 100 is boiling... you know what ice feels like, you know what boiling water feels like... then just draw some conclusions... is your hard drive hotter than a metal boiling kettle? obviously no...


much better than the stupid fahrenheit scale based on the temperature of a moose's cold arse in Finland :lol:

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