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Is it time for a new water block?


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Well...just curious...


Been running the Good Ole D-Tek Whitewater block for a few years now... adapted it so it fits on my shiny new AMD X2 4200+ and it works fine....


but with the OC, I am pushing 40c full load on OCCT....


I know that is not bad, bud I am anal... would one of the newer blocks do better?

if so, which one???




One Bored Exeter

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I guess that is where I am...



with the old CPU, it would be 35c tops, with this one it is 40c (X2 4200+ with 1.4vCore) running at 100% (either OCCT or FAH SMP client.) I guess I am OK...

just a bit anal about temps on my main rig........ :)



I know, I know... My sons and wifes rigs are silent and run about 50c (running FAH 24/7 for ohh...about 2 years.. and they run great!)

so I know in the scope of things 40c is fine... just poking around at things to do!! :)

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I guess that is where I am...

with the old CPU, it would be 35c tops, with this one it is 40c (X2 4200+ with 1.4vCore) running at 100% (either OCCT or FAH SMP client.) I guess I am OK...

just a bit anal about temps on my main rig........ :)

I know, I know... My sons and wifes rigs are silent and run about 50c (running FAH 24/7 for ohh...about 2 years.. and they run great!)

so I know in the scope of things 40c is fine... just poking around at things to do!! :)

Your like me when you get bored, I start looking for something to change or swap around on my rigs to help a little bit and may spend a few hours for really nothing.....

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