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running very hot. don't know why?


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well I had my sytem up to 2.52ghz and it was completely stable. So I tried go up to 2.54 and all the sudden everything was it turned unstable and froze. So I turned it all the way down to stock everything at default and now it runs really hot like 54c at idle!!!!! I'm afraid to check it at load. What do I do to get this back running normal?????

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are you sure you returned everything to stock? including voltage?


Yeah I did the "reload defaults" in the bios and I just barely went and manualy did it. I don't know what is goini on I'm goin to check my cooling system to make sure it's all working properly.

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which watercooling setup are you using again? and can you take a pic or describe how you have it setup?

He's using a thermaltake setup(760i I believe) so there's no setting up involved. Plop it in and let it fail. Check to make sure you have everything tightened down and mounted correctly. The CPU block on it is so tiny that it's possible it slipped, decreasing it's, already sub par, cooling performance even more.

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Plop it in and let it fail.

That is seriously awesome! That should be the Tt slogan. (Except for their cases, most of which are good. Oh, and the Big Typhoon.)


But currently, he's not using the BigWater. Check his sig, it's another kit. The BigWater was just ordered for "upgrade".


To answer the original question, the reason it's running hot is because that kit is pretty weak. It's cheap water cooling, and cheap water cooling doesn't cool very well.

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