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Board Error


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Posting for another member who PM'd me about this, he's getting this error when he posts:


There appears to be an error with the database.

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Anyone know what's going on?

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Hey guys, I wasn't able to read the forum rules, so I apologize if it is against policies to create a duplicate account, but yeah... hardnrg. That's what I was thinking. That's why I created this other account (I'm just that eager to get back with my homies here at OCC! ) :)


I'm going to try some browsing to see if I can use it normally. If I'm able to, I'll edit this post within about 5 minutes. If I'm unable to, well... chanced are I can't edit the post either. :P


Edit: Yep, this duplicate account works fine. I'll PM some mod about stuff (with my main account, Instag0.)

Edited by instag0s_duplicate_accoun

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Was Kamikaze_Badger refering to you as the member who told him about the issue?


So you're saying you got the error while you were trying to post? That's very strange. :(


Can you do me a favor and try logging into that account and try posting using that account again to see if the issue is still there?





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This account is doing fine, something was fixed. Thanks! Yes, instag0s_duplicate_accoun (notice the lack of t) is mine. Feel free to delete it as you will.


But yeah, the problem was this: I could post OR enter a thread ONCE, then I was essentially locked out of posting or reading threads from there on out by the IPS error. I don't know if I could only post OR read once per day on that account, err, this account... but that was the problem.

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