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Debit Card Question

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I have a question regarding my debit card. I got it a little over a month ago, and have been using it mainly for gas and general purchases. It's a Mastercard, so it's a part of the Cirrus network, if that makes a difference. Now, would I be able to use it for online purchases in place of a credit card? Or do I need to wait untill I hit the big one eight before I have that privlege? I've been told that I can use it for online purchases by my mate, but I wanted to be sure before I started making use of the world of internet purchases.


Thanks. And please welcome Malroth to the forums.

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Mine is always happy to take my money, the only time it takes 3 days is if they're putting money in the account :lol:


The Mastercard logo, like a Visa or AmEx logo means you can use it as "credit" but it takes the money out of your account instead of building your debt. We had tons of people want "debit" where I was working, and I would tell them its credit and they would freak out, "This is a debit card, I guess it won't work. only a few times did we have "bank cards" or "ATM cards", whatever that people would try to use, but obviously they didn't work.

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