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Buying a Used Car


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My apologies if this has been asked before, but I looked a bit and could not find anything about it! I'm planning on buying a car in the next 6ish months, and i'm curious on if you guys had any reccomendations. This will be my second car, I'm thinking of buying something with a carberator so it'll be easier to work on my self. I'd like something fun to drive, and that is (or can be made) of course fast.


Also, I had a question, how much more expensive do you think it would be to buy a shell or a car with a bad engine and replace the engine. Is this something that's applicable. I don't know alot about cars atm, but Im learning and I know some people who are pretty car savy.


My price range is anywhere from 2500 - 8000, depending on when I decide to buy my car. I'd like to, of course go as cheap as I can and put money into it as time goes on, but really both are options.


Thanks in advance!!

Edited by ZSebag

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i guess it depends on wether you have a large garage and a whole bunch of tools to do the work yourself, otherwise it will have to go into a paid garage and that will likely cost loads in labour



can't agree more.




i'd also like to say that "I don't know much about cars" REALLY makes suggesting this course of action totally crazy. same goes for a second car and something to go fast. I'm a firm believer in learning to walk before trying to fly. and that's right where you're headed with this idea.



buy something that drives, work with it, and learn to drive it before you become one more idiot on the road incapable of handling what you have or hurt someone in the process. at the same time learn to maintain it before trying to build it.

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buy an OLD car from like the 70s or 80s... not only will it be free from most electronic annoyances, you'll usually have a lot more room to play with...


there's nothing I find more annoying than trying to work on a modern car that's packed so tight you can barely get a spanner (wrench) on a nut


so, not only is it easier to work on, you'll probably have to tinker with it due to it's age... much better than having a modern car in good shape and not having to work on it, and then trying to install bolt-on mods and good luck replacing an engine in a new car lol

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Well, yeah, thats what I was thinking. And by fast we may be on different levels, I want something with a bit more umph than the Suzuki i'm driving. :) I'm not talking steping to a corvette, just up a level.


I'm really liking the idea of one of those old datsuns, any thoughts? If I don't get something like that i'm thinking i'll end up buying a pickup. (Thinking S-10, or ranger, or tacoma, whatever I can find)

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I would have to say either go Japanese, or American parts are cheap and they are easy to work on. Don't even think of getting a BMW, Audi, Infiniti, or anything from Europe, once they hit 100k they will be in the shop more then on the road!!!


Get a S-10 Extreme if you can find one/have the money, and if you going to do something like a body kit just get one with bad paint, or a few dents!



Just make sure to have it looked over by an GOOD shop before forking of the $$

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