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3dmark Low Scores...again...sigh


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okay, Im running:


AMD xp 2000+

512 DDR pc 3200

Geforce 4 mx420 (I know, a piece)

windows xp

idle Ive got 16 processes


So ran 3dmark yesterday when I still had 256 DDR pc2100 and I got a score of 4100. Which is low comparably from my last run at 4500 with no hardware changes. I got my new RAM and I got the exact same score. So what the heck? I double chedked to make sure the RAM is running at the right speed. Yet I see no performance gain in 3dmark. I think the computer might be running just a bit faster but...ARG!


gimmie performance grrrrr!

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I concur. That MX card if holding you way back...Some of the newest Mobo's come with that MX video built into them. Everything else in your setup seems to be fine. Upgrading RAM would help but I believe the severe bottleneck is your VidCard. It's so restrictive that even more RAM couldn't help it. Save up for a 9500 Pro, or if you want an nVidia card, grab a Ti4200 and OC the hell out of it. Only thing is 9500 Pro's are around the same prices as some GF4's, but they are DX9 compliant and use all the new Shader2.0 stuff. So probably in the long run, the 9500 Pro would serve you well. I'm still trying to save up for a VidCard of my own. Still don't know which one to get though... :blink:

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no. The graphics card is a problem but my scores were higher then this not more then a month ago. I was hitting 4500's, then when I stuck in more ram I got like a 4800. So, now I run at 4100, upgarde my RAM and stay at a 4100? I dunno, seems like its really weird to me.


The next thing Im getting is defintly a grapihcs card, Im saving up for a Radeon 9700 pro all-in-wonder.

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get Sandra 2003 from the download section and see how all your hardware is doing.

I think it a very very good benchmark.


if something is behind on what it should be you can try to figure out what the problem is.

for example: my ram is slow because I have a duron.

tell us what you find.

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