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nVidia card software


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Hi all,

My old 6800GT had the fan running at 100% speed as per the control panel.

I don't seem to be able to find this on the current control panel.

Does any body know if it has been deleted?

If not, please advise how I find it.

Regards from Cespenar.

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just switch to the Classic Control Panel




latest beta drivers*...




it's there, just as normal :)




* you don't need the latest beta drivers, i'm just saying, i have the newest nvidia drivers and yet i can still use (and prefer) the old control panel

Edited by hardnrg

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Hi, Hardnrg,

I have a problem with your advice.

I have video overlay settings, and then tools. The line that reads 'Clock Frequency Settings' is missing.

I dont get it!!!???


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you need to download and install Coolbits 2.0



that updates the registry to show that part of the control panel


Hi, Hardnrg,

I still have a problem.

We downloaded the Coolbits from the linked site, but we still dont have the fan adjuster. My son can access the old control panel, but no updates occurred.

My computer will show th old control panel but it is blank. No details in the side panel at all.

Neither of our old control panels have the button to change the views, either.

I didn't wont to use the linked software, as I have water cooling. I just wanted to see if I got the download okay.

We both have XP with SP2. I also have nVtune, but my son doesn't.

Please advise anything you can think of.

Regards from Cespenar.

PLEASE DISREGARD THIS> I just found a plus sign that gave me the fans. I'll go check son's computer now.

Edited by Cespenar

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I can't remember if you have to reboot before they show up or not... around the time of applying the Coolbits registry patch I'd be rebooting about every minute anyway installing software and drivers...

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