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Need LOTs of help!

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im feel im very lost b/c after i switched case's neither my usb or ps2 ports work this makes no sense at all. they work in the bios but once windows loads or even before that b/c i dont think my mouse works at all b/c it just doesnt light up anymore. this is very strange i need to find a non usb keyboard and mouse to even get into windows i think.



anyhelp to why computers are so strange? and a work around b/c it was working the second before it turnned off and i didnt add anything new so im at a lost what could cause this.








it seems after about and hour and finally giving in and posting something with my laptop i tired one last combo which was 1st usb port mouse , 2nd Printer, 3 keyboard, and firewire cable(plugged into nothing) yes it does sound strange but get this if i remove either the printer or firewire either the mouse or keyboard will stop working and an even stranger thing if i switch the mouse and the keyboard neither work.


that im lost on why it has to be this way but im glad my computer works.. any ideas anyone?

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