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Computer Madness descends Upon Us


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2 shops with 2 techs.... 211 and 214 computers checked in today. most are vista related problems :( local best buys are telling people it's a 2 week wait min to get things fixed too. which means my influx of customers will only be getting worse.




I've flat out told my staff to explain the issues to the customers and be honest about the problems. especially when I have PII's coming from best buy with vista installs attempted... ie computer is in need of XP being installed.

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Took me a while to get back on this thread. Been hiding out.. That 30 year old Irish whisky sure is good. Numbs the brain too. :P


So back at the shop. Things are sorta quiet now. I thought the first couple days would be the worse and was right. Yeah, a friend went to Best Buy here and told me it's madness there over Vista. People trying to go about it as cheap as possible on computer upgrades and they are swamped. I am sure Microshaft is loving this. Chaching $$$$$...


I'm laying low just riding this storm out. Our shop is not swamped yet.. Again.. YET.. :D

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Idon't know if I should consider it "lucky" or "cursed".



I just ordred 2 of those Pod's portable storage units for each store. 1 for incoming one for done units. we couldn't safely store systems any other way! each store has topped 400 customer machines.

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