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Using ClockGen, you can overclock the cpu more? I dont know much about using software to oc the computer, I have always done it through the bios...what do you guys think about using ClockGen to oc?

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Software OCing (like ClockGen) are great for TESTING settings. Instead of rebooting and hitting the BIOS every time you want to up your OC by 5mhz, you can just use ClockGen. It's much easier. But then, once you find your best settings, you should set them in the BIOS. Long term software OCing is a bad idea.

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Yeah, clockgen is what I'll use if I want to get a quick and dirty idea as to how far I can push certain components.

For example I'll drop the multi way down low on the Processor, then see how far I can up my RAM with clockgen.


It's a good way to save time on the initial phases of OCing.

Once you get into more detail it's better to start changing things in the BIOS and testing that way.

Edited by jammin

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cool thanks guys...


I have a question about clockgen, I was just messing with the PLL settings and decided to "oc" a little bit...i slid the slide bar to the right for just a little bit, and clicked apply settings, and it seemed like it saved and clockgen said that it did and registered the cpu at 2354MHz but then I opened up CPU-Z and it was still reading at 2420MHz...what happened?


Its not that big of a deal due to the fact that I will not be using clockgen to overclock but I still want to know why

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