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if its VERY unstable it might crash your computer... if it's moderately unstable it will just flash red and make an annoying alarm.... good to alert you of instability when you aren't at your computer (like watching tv or eating in the next room or something)

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i moderately unstable it will just flash red and make an annoying alarm.... good to alert you of instability when you aren't at your computer



like when your running a 24 hour test and it goes off @ 4 am! *sigh*

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Im up to 18.5 hours and it is slowing my computer down very bad, but what do you expect when its testing both the ram and cpu...my cpu usage is 100% and my RAM usage is 96.2891% (986/1024) I got that info using statbar...

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  • 1 year later...

The temperature sensors on ORTHOS do not seem to work for me. I turned on the sensors for constant reporting and I get the successful end of pass reports. But the temperature is not reported once. What do I need to do to turn on the temperature reporting?

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Orthos is just about the best stability test for a clock that there is. But it is worth pointing out that if you are running Vista 64, it's a complete waste of time. Orhtos is 32 bit, and although it will run fine on Vista 64, any result from it would be completely invalid and useless. If you need to validate a clock on Vista 64, then use Prime 95 64bit.

Edited by kitfit1

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I am running it with XP Pro (32 Bit). I want to monitor the chip temperature during the test, but the Orthos software does not report the temperature. Do I need to run a separate program to monitor and keep an eye on it myself? IS there a way to get Orthos to log the chip temperatures during the test?



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