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recommendations on a 19"-20" LCD

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Three best brands of LCD's I found are, LG, Acer, and AOC. I have some issues with Samsung in the past aswell as viewsonic......


I would take an LG, Acer, and AOC over anything else at this point they have served me very well. :)

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I have an LG 204WT and I absolutely love it. It's a 20" widescreen, 1680x1050 max res, 5ms response time, 2000:1 dynamic contrast ratio, etc. It's really a great screen. I haven't had one single problem with it (no dead pixels, no ghosting, beautiful colors). I can take more pics of it if you'd like.

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be sure whichever screen you decide on to check out as many as reviews as possible as TFT's vary in quality so much

Trusted Reviews is a good place to start, Be wary that most of the 22" panels are made by chemei and are 16.2 million colours if it says 16.7 its dithered.


if you game i would personally say go with the 20" samsung its got pretty good reviews or i highly recommend the Belinea 102035W its getting good reviews all over


Some More 20" reviews

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ACER is considered close-to-crap with there laptops....I wouldn't recommend it.

Really :unsure: Everyone up here stands by them they are great I have two of them, and I know a ton of people who have them. Maybe their older models where trouble but I love their new ones they are great price wise and they really haul. :)

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Really :unsure: Everyone up here stands by them they are great I have two of them, and I know a ton of people who have them. Maybe their older models where trouble but I love their new ones they are great price wise and they really haul. :)



yeah - we've had a lot of returns on our acer screens. pricewise they're good, but you get what you pay for.


king - what don't you like about the 1440x900res on the 19" widescreens? i have the samsung 940bw and it is absolutely stunning. i wouldn't want anything else :)


you can get them for about $250USD at a retail store, not sure how much they charge over there though.

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