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Alright so i replaced my router with a computer acting as a gateway, now i find out that that gateway is blocking ports just like that router was, and i go to open ports and it wants me to manually open them all. which im not going to spend 500 years doing.


What im asking is, is there a way to open ALL the ports, its useing Windows XP SP2, or if not is there a way to set this up in Linux/BSD or soemthing?


I need a box that just assignes IP's pretty much just DHCP no firewall, no filtering, no bull crap.



im fed up with all this firewall crap, i host a couple servers from home and i cant affoard to have this . happening, im in to the point where im about to break something else.

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Alright so i replaced my router with a computer acting as a gateway, now i find out that that gateway is blocking ports just like that router was, and i go to open ports and it wants me to manually open them all. which im not going to spend 500 years doing.


Can you not just turn the firewall off? After this you might also need to figure how to forward ports. If you have 'netsh' (not sure if it's a standard XP thing or in some sort of pack), this would apparently be something to do with:


netsh routing ip nat add portmapping


I can't tell you more than that, as:


C:\Documents and Settings\admin>netsh routing ip nat add portmapping
NAT must be installed first.


But I would hope that the ICS wizard thing sets up NAT 'enough' for it to work for you?


or if not is there a way to set this up in Linux/BSD or soemthing?


Yes :P

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Control Panel > Network Connections > (Network Adapter) > Properties > Advanced > Windows Firewall > Settings... > Off


go through and do that for all adapters...


you could always buy a router lol :P

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Control Panel > Network Connections > (Network Adapter) > Properties > Advanced > Windows Firewall > Settings... > Off


go through and do that for all adapters...


you could always buy a router lol :P



did that, but there is some kind of built in NAT that wants me to manually open all the ports... its part of ICS

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Can you not just turn the firewall off? After this you might also need to figure how to forward ports. If you have 'netsh' (not sure if it's a standard XP thing or in some sort of pack), this would apparently be something to do with:


netsh routing ip nat add portmapping


I can't tell you more than that, as:


C:\Documents and Settings\admin>netsh routing ip nat add portmapping
NAT must be installed first.


But I would hope that the ICS wizard thing sets up NAT 'enough' for it to work for you?

Yes :P



did that, but there is some kind of built in NAT that wants me to manually open all the ports... its part of ICS



That would probably be port forwarding, as I mentioned.

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