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S;lfgj;sfdg Crap


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Just... got... new.. comp... was.. gonna.. transfer.. all.. stuff.. from.. old.. comp's.. hard... drive.......


I lost 80 gigs of the last 3 years of my lifeeeeee.. at the LAST #&%&$ SECOND sdf;lgk's;fdpohdf09h

Was told by a friend that 2 cd's worth of data recovery costs $1400. Is there any other way??? omgomgomgomgomg

AHHHH omgomgomgomg

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been there man i know it sucks, hook it up as a slave drive and see if you can pull anything off it. smae thing goes for me too, if you need any files music/pics/videos etc i can mail you a CD ive you give me a list of stuff you lost

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Wow, thanks for your offers, didn't see that comin :O

i lost a lot of important things, like job applications, resumes, school projects, etc.. and pics from last few years :( My fault for not backing it up sooner. just got the new comp, was booting up the old one to burn a lot of cd's, and it wouldn't boot windows :/ took it to friend's repair shop so we could try different setups, no good. if it died the next day.. or even in 2 more hours.. would have been ok :angry:


But thanks again for your offers to replace music, etc.. I lost a crap load of music and movies, but I'll start a new collection. i'll msg you guys in the next day, if you don't mind, it would be massive if you helped me rebuild my collection. only if you guys got stuff worth talkin about :bah::unsure:

Edited by Ashiitaka

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