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Oblivion Hdr+aa2?


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The game seems to chug when i have it set at AA4 but when i have it set on AA2 it works perfect.


I also like how the game looks alittle better on HDR. but the game won't allow me to select HDR and AA2at the same time.


On HDR normal. i have an average FPS of around.. 30ish... peaking at 60 never getting below 25ish.. (AA2 has around the same results)


is there anyway i can play with AA2 and HDR? how will it effect my graphics? the reason i want to set it on AA2 is because it gets rid of the jaggedness of the game. HDR by it self has great colors but the graphics are sorta jaggeded.

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HDR and AA are mutually exclusive on the NV7 series unless something happened and i missed it...


if you like HDR, then just turn your resolution up... 1600x1200 with HDR isn't bad at all lol... but i dunno if that's possible with a single card... Oblivion is a bit of a beast to run... it can put 8800GTX SLI to work at higher resolutions...

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My 7950gt KO runs oblivion at 1680x1050 fine, bloom lighiting though. Whats the difference between the hdr and bloom lighting? It runs fine max graphics and max res. But i haven't really been able to see any difference in the HDR v bloom lighting.

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My 7950gt KO runs oblivion at 1680x1050 fine, bloom lighiting though. Whats the difference between the hdr and bloom lighting? It runs fine max graphics and max res. But i haven't really been able to see any difference in the HDR v bloom lighting.


save it one spot and open it up at the load point with AA4 and then do it again with HDR.


you'll notice all the AA settings look washed out, but all the jaggedness is gone.


HDR will look more vibrant the colors are more rich. HDR is basicaly the new way of doing colors and lighting... it truely looks amazing...


Another good comparison is running threw a REALLY grassy field threw Oblivion you'll notice how much more unrealistic and old school AA looks and how HDR has just a brilitaint blending of colors so you can barely tell when objects are loading up. (on aa its much more noticable when something is loading up because of the washed out colors)


i guess i'll keep HDR and turn up the resolution (forgot that can actualy cure jagged edges!). Thanks hardnrg

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