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Need A Laptop


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ok using my budget as a base guide what would you all recomend since i may be looking to play a few games such as world of warcraft and posably Prey on it i get a lot of frees at college so any ideas i can sell my desktop pc but i dont know where i can do this and i am thinking of setting up a home domain so my desktop pc is still usefull

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You can sell it on Ebay, and even though I'm not quite sure of the conversion rate, 200/300 doesnt seem like much even if its equal to $600 or something it still wont get you much more than a core solo with 512.... MAYBE. Look at Dell, look at ebay for a used laptop, you can buy a nice used laptop for cheaper than a medicore new one ;)


PS Wrong forum... again, try the Mobile forum... check where you are posting this is like the 2nd or 3rd time you've posted in the wrong spot.

Edited by nan0click

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ok ok i get your point, yes i should read and post in the correct places when one is in a rush because thier younger sibilings are after the pc and parents are forcefully removing one from the pc postion in the right place or reading posts in said place is not always posiable

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PC Mag just recently did a piece on Cut-Rate Laptops . I don't know how relevant this is to the UK, but you might find some end-of-year clearance sales going on. I just bought a Gateway tablet PC and got them to knock $150 off the configured price and a buddy of mine at work got Dell to knock off $100 on his - and that was after already getting an employee discount. Both were bought online. Price out a system close to what you can afford and try to get them to knock the price down a bit for you.

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